• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Celebration of World Startup Entrepreneurship Day


Mar 16, 2022

BUJUMBURA March 15th (ABP) – The association Together for a New Burundi (T4NB) joined on Friday March 11, 2022, other countries of the world and especially those of the African continent in the celebration of the World Day of Startups (beginners in entrepreneurship), a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his welcoming address, the president and legal representative of T4NB, indicated that the T4NB association organized the ceremonies relating to the celebration of the world day dedicated to beginners in entrepreneurship so that everyone finds in their memory the he idea and image of this two-year-old association, which has ambitions that will allow it to move forward, he added.

                                                                          View of the participants

According to Mr. Ndoricimpaye, the ambitions of T4NB are extraordinary because, he explained, that association emerged from a special project called “Together for a New Africa” ​​(T4NA), a Pan-African project with very different principles from those of classic projects. He clarified that the T4NA project advocates several values ​​including the values ​​of universal brotherhood, self-sacrifice, sacrifice, human and moral values ​​as well as the main values ​​of Ubuntu.

He went on to remark that this is a project that prioritizes values ​​and not materialism. “Social entrepreneurship must outstrip commercial entrepreneurship”, he underlined while indicating that the man must be placed at the center of everything for quality entrepreneurial leadership in order to achieve the integral sustainable development of the man in Burundi.

The adviser to the mayor of the city of Bujumbura in charge of socio-cultural affairs, Mr. Christophe Kinshasa, who represented the mayor of the city in these ceremonies, in his opening remarks, congratulated the representative of this association who, at two years of existence in Burundi, was able to organize such an activity.

He said that among the main priorities of the Government of Burundi is the youth in the foreground, hence the creation of the Investment Bank for Youth (BIJE) and many other projects that have been set up in their favor to encourage them in their income-generating activities. “Africans, especially young people, must be united by entrepreneurial projects to succeed in making Africa very good,” said Mr. Kinshasa.

According to him, Africa is still a virgin and that young people must combine their efforts to exploit its wealth and to succeed in changing this continent in all dimensions.

During the presentation, Mr. Ernest Nikobahoze, expert in entrepreneurship, who presented the 2022-2026 strategic plan of the T4NB association to the various partners, pointed out that the idea of ​​​​celebrating the International Day of Startups has born since 2017 in Ivory Coast. He pointed out that the entrepreneur is responsible for what he will become while knowing with whom he can share his idea.

“As long as you’re going to think anyway, think big,” he quoted Donald Trump, pointing out that poverty is a matter of income but also of living conditions, defined by entrepreneurs as a mental illness leading to mental sterility.

Mr. Nikobahoze, in his presentation, pointed out that success is the result of the combination of idea, determination, perseverance and action (success equation = idea + determination + perseverance + action), while the causes of failure include insufficient education, hesitation, lack of control over sexual needs, lack of definite decision, habit of spending lavishly, lack of capital, to name a few that.

Regarding the history of T4NB, the guardian of the said association, Mrs. Suavis Nkeshimana, indicated that, to achieve its objectives, T4NA acts under six regions, namely the West region 1 (Bubanza, Cibitoke), the West region 2 (Bujumbura- town hall and rural Bujumbura), the Center region (Gitega, Muramvya, Mwaro and Karusi), the East region (Ruyigi, Rutana and Cankuzo), the South region (Rumonge, Bururi and Makamba) and the North region (Ngozi, Kayanza, Muyinga and Kirundo).

It should be noted that the various partners of the T4NA association have promised to support its 2022-2026 strategic plan, which places particular emphasis on social innovation and youth entrepreneurship.