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The French Development Agency has signed the draft financing agreement for the “Twige neza” project


Mar 3, 2022

BUJUMBURA March 3rd (ABP) – The Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Mr. Domitien Ndihokubwayo and the French Ambassador to Burundi, Mr. Jérémie Blin proceeded on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, to the signing of a financing agreement for the “Twige neza” project, implemented by the French Development Agency.

According to Mr. Ndihokubwayo, this funding of an additional allocation of 21.3 million US dollars by the global education partnership of the French Development Agency provides management as the fiduciary agent retained in the implementation of the “Twige Neza mu Burundi” project. Initial funding in the amount of $25.6 million for which the agreement was signed in 2019. Supplemented by this additional funding, it supports the efforts made by the government in the education sector which, during of this 2021-2022 budget year, allocated to education a share representing 20.6% of the total budget, which is beyond the international commitments set at 20% of the total budget.

He added that the objective of this financing is to contribute to the improvement of the reception capacity and the quality of learning of Burundian students in basic education as well as to the consolidation of the achievements of the reform of the education system. basic education and the equitable development of this sector. He also specified that the specific objectives are identical to those of the initial allocation and aim to improve the conditions of access, the quality of learning and thereby the internal efficiency of the system, the reduction of vulnerability and the management and management of the sector.

That allocation will make it possible to rebalance the overall financing between the five components of the said project. Thus, that additional funding will ensure effective implementation of all the components described in the education sector plan for 2022-2030, added Mr. Ndihokubwayo before pointing out that these interventions remain insufficient with regard to the needs. of the education sector. He took the opportunity to call on partners involved in the social sectors to mobilize more resources to support the government in increasing infrastructure and educational equipment.

Added to that are needs related to the promotion of ICTs in the teaching and learning management process, the modernization of the information system in the management of education and training, the improvement and strengthening technical and vocational training.

The minister responsible for finance also indicated that since the signing of the initial agreement on July 12, 2019, as part of the said project, the delay in the establishment of school infrastructure has been deplored until today, which greatly hampers the implementation of all the components of the project. He thus appealed to everyone to mobilize more effort in order to make up for the delay incurred. This will improve the reception capacity of students and support the government of Burundi, which calls on each development partner to focus its support on visible activities on the ground and growth-enhancing instead of volatilizing support in meetings, workshops or field mission, noted Mr. Ndihokubwayo.

The Minister of Finance thanked the global partnership for education and the French Development Agency for their multifaceted support in the search for lasting solutions to the problems facing the education sector and reiterated the government’s commitment to further cultivate a fluctuating partnership to ensure a brighter future for the nation’s children.

As for the French Ambassador to Burundi, he is delighted with the signing of the financing for the second phase of the “Twige neza mu Burundi” project, which will contribute both to improving access to education and the quality of education given in Burundi.

According to Mr. Blin, that is an important project for the future generations of the country and is in line with the priority of the education sector plan. He recommended accelerating the progress of the project implementation. He also expressed his joy, given that the signing of the project takes place a few weeks after the lifting of the measures which targeted Burundi. Mr. Blin also congratulated the Burundian government on the fact that the project comes within the framework of recovery, densification and cooperation between the EU, in particular France and Burundi.