• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNDD-FDD party in the Bujumbura City Council and in Kayanza province organized an interfaith prayer


Mar 1, 2022

BUJUMBURA February 28th (ABP) – The CNDD-FDD party organized, Thursday, February 24, 2022, at its National Office located in the urban zone of ​​Ngagara, an interfaith prayer which brought together activists and supporters of this party, under the theme “better to seek refuge in the Lord than to trust in man”.

That prayer is part of the perspective of that party, to organize a similar prayer every last Thursday of the month with the objective of giving thanks to the Lord for his immense goodness.

That prayer saw the participation of the first lady Angeline Ndayishimiye, the Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD, Mr. Réverien Ndikuriyo, members of the ruling party committee at the national level as well as activists residing and working in the Bujumbura City Council.

The preacher of the day, Monsignor Seth Nkeshimana, based on the theme of the day mentioned above, said that the CNDD-FDD party made the right choice to give first place to God and that therefore he will triumph. in front of any obstacle because says the bible “The Lord is for me, I fear nothing: What can men do to me?

To stay on good terms with the Most High, he advised the rulers of the country to avoid three things namely selfishness, attachment to money, and lust for power.

The First Lady , Mrs.Angeline Ndayishimiye

For his part, the secretary general of this party, thanked the Lord God who has not ceased to be at the side of Burundians despite the dark times that the country has gone through, since the failed putsch of 2015 and the sanctions of the European Union that followed. Mr. Ndikuriyo took that opportunity to give thanks to the Lord for all the good things he did for Burundi during this month of February, in this case the lifting of the sanctions that the European Union had taken against Burundi. It was also an opportunity for the Secretary General of the ruling party to thank the President of the Republic as well as all the friendly countries that have contributed to bringing us to the current situation. He did not forget to also thank the European Union, which noticed that these sanctions were no longer worth it, given the progress made in the country and the dynamism of change inspired by the President of the Republic, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye.

Mr. Ndikuriyo also wished a happy birthday to all Burundian women in general and to those affiliated with the CNDD-FDD (Abakenyererarugamba) party in particular, inviting them to participate massively in the country’s development programs and recalling that the month of Mars was dedicated to women.

In Kayanza province (north), the militants of this party joined, as usual, with those of the other provinces in the ecumenical prayer organized on the last Thursday of each month. At the provincial level, this prayer took place in Muhanga commune and saw the presence of the governor of Kayanza, the governor of the central bank as well as the heads of provincial services. In his speech for the occasion, the provincial secretary of the CNDD-FDD party in Kayanza, Mr. Ferdinand Habimana, underlined that this Thursday was a special day because it coincided with the investiture of the new communal administrator of Muhanga. He also indicated that this prayer will change the image of Muhanga commune, stressing that it is very incomprehensible to see how this commune is still characterized by cases of disagreements when it was the first to vote for the CNDD-FDD. For him, the month of February was an exceptional month because even the European Union took the decision to lift the economic sanctions that had been taken against Burundi.