• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Goods and other valuables have gone up in smoke at the Mandela Gallery


Jan 26, 2022

BUJUMBURA January 25th (ABP) – The Mandela gallery located at UPRONA Boulevard (downtown Bujumbura) caught fire on Monday, January 24, 2022. The goods and other valuables that were there went smoke, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The cost of the damage caused by that fire which broke out at 7:15 a.m. is not yet known. In that gallery, several income-generating activities took place.

Lin Ndayishimiye, one of the managers of this gallery, notes a clothing store, a fishmonger’s equipped with several freezers, a sewing workshop, a hairdressing salon and an English language teaching center “English language Center”.

According to the witnesses, had it not been for the intervention of the firefighters of the civil protection police, the damage would be enormous.

Anicet Nibaruta, leader of the national disaster prevention and management platform, told the press that the origin of this fire is not yet known, specifying that this fire broke out when one of the anti-fire was getting its water supply 150m from this gallery.

That senior officer of the national police advises the owners of the galleries of the city of Bujumbura and other localities of the country to reserve a passage for the fire trucks and to subscribe to the insurance houses for the safety of their goods.

In the event of a fire, that senior member of the Burundian national police invites the population to call the free numbers 113 of the civil protection police or 119 of the Burundi Red Cross. That is when the victims of that Mandela Gallery fire called on numbers 115 and 117.