• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Senate President met the leaders of the religious denominations of the Protestant family


Jan 18, 2022

BUJUMBURA,  January 17th (ABP) – The Senate President of the Republic of Burundi Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera organized on Friday January 14, 2022 in Bujumbura, a meeting of exchanges with the leaders of the religious denominations of the Protestant family, under the theme: “Consolidation of social and spiritual cohesion within Protestant family churches”.

During the opening of the session, the Senate President first recalled that it was found that many challenges haunt the churches of the Protestant family of Burundi, including the disagreement that manifests itself in some churches.

                                                                                                                                A Family photo of the meeting participants

For that reason, a synergy of efforts between these churches is needed to take their issues into their own hands, in order to find solutions to them, using the intelligence that God has given them.

He also pointed out the need to set up a family of Protestant churches (FEP), which will be like a commission responsible for studying or giving orientations with regard to the various questions which arise in the churches of the Protestants, but in the strict adherence to the different doctrines of these churches.

According to Mr. Sinzohagera, that meeting is an opportunity to give contributions in relation to the law governing religious denominations in Burundi being revised, in order to address them to the Ministry of Interior, Community Development and Public Security.

Based on the letter that Saint Paul addressed to the Corinthians, chapter 12, the president of the upper house of parliament took that opportunity to ask the leaders of the religious denominations of the Protestant family to repent and convert for good. guide the people of God of whom they are shepherds, or to accomplish God’s mission well.

He also advised the servants of God who were present, to do everything possible to change the bad image carried by the Protestant churches of Burundi, by putting aside their interests and prioritizing the interests of their faithful.

After this discussion session, Pastor Laurent Nduwimana read the various conclusions from that meeting. He indicated that the leaders of the religious denominations of the Protestant family are committed to taking up the questions which are in their churches and to find solutions, to put together their efforts to safeguard peace and security, to remain united for the good to serve the people of God, to give a new good image to its churches, to exchange experiences in relation to the mission of God.

They undertook to set up the family of Protestant churches (FEP) and also to go and explain to their faithful the interest of setting up this body in order to meet in March of this year, to approve the statutes of FEP.

The leaders of the Protestant religious denominations have also agreed to send the government of Burundi their contributions in relation to the law governing religious denominations in Burundi which is currently being revised.

The mayor of the city of Bujumbura Jimmy Hatungimana welcomed these initiatives and recalled that it is the city of Bujumbura which contains many churches compared to the rest of the country. He pointed out that in Protestant churches there are many problems that need lasting solutions. Mr. Hatungimana hopes that the creation of FEP will come as a solution. He did not forget to mention the contribution of these churches in safeguarding peace and security, but also for the development of the country.

The meeting was closed by the launching of the revised hymn which contains 869 songs, and which was made by Pastor Édouard Nimubona, of the Baptist Church of Burundi.