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The Presidential family shared Sunday mass with Christians in Kiganda parish


Jan 12, 2022

MURAMVYA January 11th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, along with his wife and their children, shared the prayer of Sunday, January 9, 2022, with the Christians of the parish of Saint Pierre and Paul from Kiganda, in Muramvya province (Center-West), a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

It was a Sunday which closes Christmas days in the Catholic Church but which is also the day of celebration of the baptism of Jesus, according to the parish priest of Kiganda parish, Father Claver Ndayiragije, in his homely.

                View of Christians in Kiganda parish

In his words of welcome for the presidential family, the parish priest of Kiganda resounded with acclamations for a warm welcome to the Burundian number one and his family to whom he wished best wishes for the year 2022.

Father Ndayiragije recalled the bad weather that damaged their presbytery last year, but already rehabilitated with the help of the President of the Republic, Christians and other leaders, who facilitated the mobilization of support, something highly welcomed. by the parish priest of Kiganda.

In his message of greeting to Christians, the President of the Republic of Burundi said that he has immense joy to be with them on the second Sunday of the New Year, to first wish the crowd of Christians present the best wishes for this year.

“We have come to join you to continue to give glory to God who bequeathed us a very good country that others do not have and so that he makes us live”, hammered the Head of State, before to ask the lord for cheers.

He urged the Christians of the Kiganda parish to honor the Almighty by maintaining our dear country and by practicing agriculture for integral development.

Mr. Ndayishimiye took this opportunity, to ask Christians in general, to show love and cohesion in order to fight idleness because, according to him, where there is idleness, there is grumbling, rumors or hearsay.

He then called on everyone to stand up as one man to work hard this year dedicated to agriculture, so that it will be unforgettable, he stressed.

After Sunday Mass, the Presidential family took a guided tour to the tourist site of Kiganda, where it was signed between King Mwezi Gisabo and the German settlers, the Kiganda Treaty in 1903.