• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Presentation of new players and newly recruited coach


Jan 11, 2022

KAYANZA January 10th (ABP) – The Kayanza (north) provincial football team called “Kayanza United” organized on Thursday evening the presentation ceremonies for new players and the newly recruited coach to strengthen that team in the return phase of the Primus League national football championship.

During that ceremony called “Kayanza Day”, the leader of the said team, Ferdinand Habimana, commended the contributions of everyone from the start of the outward phase until today when we are about to start the second leg matches. He asked the inhabitants of Kayanza in general and the supporters of the Kayanza United team in particular to continue to support their team, especially as it needs more than 180,000,000 BIF in the return phase of the 2021 primus league championship 2022.

For his part, the governor of Kayanza, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo, added that the Kayanza United club does not belong to any person but that it is rather the team of all the inhabitants of Kayanza. He called on representatives of different sectors to make their contributions, each one on their own, in order to allow the Kayanza United football team to continue to move forward.

Note that the Kayanza Day ceremony saw the participation of the heads of both provincial and communal departments, players and fans of the said team.