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The Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines has presented the report of major achievements for the first half of 2021-2022


Jan 7, 2022

BUJUMBURA January 7th (ABP) – The Minister of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines, Mr. Ibrahim Uwizeye, presented on Thursday January 6, 2022, the report of the major achievements of his ministry for the first half of 2021-2022, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In the energy sector, Minister Uwizeye said there has been an improvement in access to electricity. He cited the Jiji-Murembwe hydroelectric power plant construction project with a progress rate for the Jiji and Murembwe hydroelectric facilities estimated at 39%, while the billing rate is 32%.

The Kabu 016 hydroelectric power plant construction project which will yield 20 MW, has a work execution rate of 71% while for the Ruziba 007 hydroelectric power plant construction project which will yield 15 MW, work is progressing normally and the current execution rate in the whole development is 90.10%.

According to the Minister in charge of Energy, for the connection of customers, 100% of the equipment has already been purchased to carry out the extensions of the Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV) electrical networks of the localities of Busoro and Karama; 74% of the LV equipment and 100% of the MV equipment are already used to build the new Medium Voltage and Low Voltage electrical networks in the locality of Kibembe-Ruziba. The contract was signed to build the new electrical networks in MV around 1.8 km and in LV 19,376 km for the localities of Buringa and Ruvumvu; the equipment is being delivered to build the new electricity networks in the locality of Tenga, Bwoga 2, Karera 2 and 3 as well as Kabanga.

The equipment is also being delivered to carry out the extension of the electrical networks for the installation of public lighting in the town of Ngozi. There are also 7,402 electricity connections made out of 17,000 planned connections; a contract signature for the supply of 55,000 electricity meters is in progress.

In the drinking water sector, Mr. Uwizeye indicated that for drinking water supply and basic sanitation projects in rural areas, there was the preparation and publication of 6 files relating to the call for applications (DAO) and 8 furniture procurement awarded to build 6 drinking water supply (AEP) systems such as AEP Giserama, AEP Masasu-Mahonda, AEP Mparamirundi, AEP Jarama-Muramba, AEP Kivoma-Kayogoro and AEP Karindo totaling 195 km in the Bukinanyana, Gitega, Busiga, Buhinyuza, Kayogoro and Kinyinya communes. A contract was prepared and transmitted to the Ministry of Finance to build seven blocks of latrines on the road axes in Kayanza, Ruyigi and Rutana provinces, AEP Muzenga-Kanazi and the work is 75% executed.

For the construction of the AEP Bugabira II, work is at 98%; construction of the AEP Muhofo-Jimbi is at 85%; AEP Karambi in Buganda commune is 98%; AEP Nyarubugu 95%, AEP Muyebe-Mpanda-Kagwema, the work ais completed.

There was provisional acceptance of construction work for the AEP Mikoni-Cicaca, technical pre-acceptance and provisional acceptance of emptying work in Ruyigi commune of Ruyigi province.

Minister Uwizeye said that for drinking water supply and basic sanitation projects in urban areas, 25% of the work was carried out to increase drinking water in the localities of Gasenyi, Gatunguru, Carama and Gahahe in building the AEP Matyazo in Mubimbi commune of 21km; 4.2km of pipes are laid to link the Simba pumping station and that of Nyaruzi to balance the water network of the town of Gitega.

He further indicated that the call-for-application file to acquire extension equipment in the localities of Bujumbura and regions of the country, in particular Kizingwe-Bihara, Nyabugete phase 4, Maramvya, Tenga, Rubirizi, Nyaburumba, Nyankoni, Mabanda, Rumonge, Gitega, Kayanza, is being prepared.

Another call-for-application file under preparation concerns an extension of drinking water to the quarters of Rumonge, Bururi (Kiremba center) and Muyinga provinces as well as Sosumo in Rutana province. There is also a call-for-application file for the supply of 15,000 water meters, the repair of leaks in the various localities of the country; 4,025 new customers were connected to water out of 9,000 customers planned; 274 prepaid meters and 65 conventional meters have been replaced.