• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Continuation of the national thanksgiving prayer chaired by the President of the Republic on the ETS Kamenge ground


Dec 29, 2021

BUJUMBURA December 29th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, chaired, in the afternoon of Monday, December 27, the prayer organized on the ground of the Secondary Technical School (ETS) of Kamenge, the national thanksgiving prayer which will run until December 31.

The prayer was attended by the members of the government, MPs, other senior authorities of the country and the people, coming from the 3 communes of the City of Bujumbura.

In his official speech during that prayer, the President of the Republic made it known that Burundi, like Israel, is a people chosen by God. Despite this, the people made the same mistakes as the people of Israel and faced the music in turn as the people of Israel.

He added that in the wilderness, from Egypt to the Promised Land, the people of Israel disobeyed God and suffered the wrath of God. So, according to President Ndayishimiye, as long as we killed each other, it was an absorption of our sins as it has been for the Israeli people, until the wrath of God is extinguished and gives them peace, pointing out that, in the same way for Burundi, God gave us this peace.

                                                                                                               View of participants in the prayer

The Head of State continued to say that like the Israeli people, there are some Burundians who lament and whoever laments cannot be blessed. He meant that the people of Israel were not blessed, because, some senior authorities were corrupted by embezzling the wealth of an entire people, clarifying that this is what happens since some officials of our country do the same: “God does not bless our country and cannot develop”.

Mr. Ndayishimiye noted that after settling in the Promised Land, at one point, King Solomon favored some over others, which led to the downfall of Israel.

The President of the Republic called rather for the union of all Burundians, not to suffer the fate of the people of Israel at the time.

He noted that corruption has also divided the people, whose population rebelled against its leaders. Hence, he called on all Burundians, to be aware of this and no longer fall into this trap of the past, which cost us dearly.

The Head of State subsequently called on all those present to kneel down and ask forgiveness for our behavior and individual sins, which pushed God not to bless our country. Thus, he implored the Almighty God so that He forgives and erases all the sins of the Burundians, who have brought the curse on our country.

Mr. Ndayishimiye said that the word of God, which gathered all those people, contains advice, which will serve as a guide for our future actions. In that regard, he noted that, throughout that journey that will last 5 days, 6 subjects will be on the table and will be explored at length to serve as benchmarks.

With those subjects, everyone will be called upon, among other things, to bless Burundi, to be wise in their actions, to abandon bad behavior that brings curse to Burundi, to unity and love, to the tireless quest for justice for all.

The theme chosen for the prayer was drawn from the Bible, Proverbs 10,22: “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,
And He adds no sorrow with it