• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Opening of the ordinary session of December in the Senate


Dec 7, 2021

GITEGA December 6th (ABP) – The first vice-president of the Senate, Mrs. Denise Ndadaye proceeded, Wednesday to the opening of the ordinary session of December 2021, at the hemicycle of Gitega, in the presence of the guests including the administrative authorities, officials of public services and representatives of diplomatic corps accredited to Burundi.

In her speech, Mrs. Denise Ndadaye announced that during this session of December 2021 this Upper House of Parliament will analyze and adopt 14 bills. Those include, in particular, the draft laws revising Law No. 1/21 of December 31, 2010 amending Law No. 1/15 of April 29, 2006 relating to the statutes of officers, non-commissioned officers and military personnel. troop of the National Defense Force, the one on the statutes of the officers, brigadiers and agents of the National Police of Burundi as well as the bill modifying certain provisions of the Code of social protection in Burundi and revaluation of pensions for the public sector. The senators will also analyze and adopt the bill on the ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of States. on the one hand and the European community and its member states on the other hand signed in Cotonou on June 23, 2000 and amended for the first time in Luxembourg on June 25, 2005.

On the agenda of the Senate will also appear the bill on the accession by the Republic of Burundi to the 1954 Convention relating to the status of stateless persons, the one ratifying by the Republic of Burundi of the protocol on the privileges and immunities of the East African Community. , that relating to the ratification of the agreement relating to the exemption of visas for holders of diplomatic, special and service passports between the government of the Republic of Burundi and the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, signed on 24 March 2021 in Cairo, Egypt and others.

Ms. Ndadaye also took stock of the achievements of the Senators during their parliamentary recess in November. These elected representatives of the people visited and went to their respective constituencies where they ensured the follow-up of the implementation of the laws already adopted. They also heard the grievances of the population and sensitized them to the safeguard of peace and security and their involvement in the execution of self-development work.

Also, members of the Senate office carried out raids in Bujumbura, Makamba, Bururi, Mwaro, Ruyigi and Kirundo provinces. Ms. Denise Ndadaye where they supported the population in development work and visited factories under construction and tourist sites in these provinces. That was done with the aim of appealing to the population and the authorized officials to properly develop these tourist places in order to make them attractive. The senators took the opportunity to discuss with the population on the issues facing the country as well as on the role of local authorities on the hills and at the communal level. These questions include in particular the maintenance of peace and security by fighting, the fight against unwanted pregnancies for girls especially those who are still on the school bench, the fight against poverty and malnutrition, protection environment and the fight against the coronavirus.