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The Head of State has received two ambassadors from France and the People’s Republic of China in Burundi in audience


Nov 30, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 29th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye received in audience, Friday November 26, 2021, the new French Ambassador to Burundi, Mr. Jérémie Blin who came to present him the letters of appointment accrediting him to the post of French Ambassador to Burundi.

In an interview he gave to the media, the French ambassador to Burundi said that the two personalities discussed bilateral relations while stressing that France’s desire is to strengthen relations in all areas. He added that France wants to strengthen relations of friendship, partnership and cooperation, win-win. Mr. Blin also affirmed that the vision and the strategies that President Ndayishimiye has developed for Burundi appear excellent, hence the desire to accompany and support him in their implementation.

Regarding priority areas of intervention, Mr. Blin said that the two countries will continue military cooperation, strengthen actions in terms of development while consolidating investment in Burundi. A whole dimension of important economic diplomacy will be made, he stressed.

            The Burundi Head of State receives in audience the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China in Burundi

The President of the Republic of Burundi also received in audience the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Burundi, Mrs. Zhao Jiangping.

As she left the audience, Jiangping revealed to the press that the talk focused on bilateral relations characterized by political trust and mutual support on the international stage. They also mentioned major projects in execution and under discussion.

Regarding the Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station, Mrs. Jiangping reported that the Chinese company has overcome many difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure the progress of this work. Now, says Ms. Jiangping, we are in the process of installing electromechanical equipment. That plant will be put into operation next April. They also mentioned the deviation of the RN1. According to the ambassador, the two parties have just signed an agreement for the implementation of the related work which can start next year.

Preparations for the rehabilitation of the runways of the international airport and the construction of the watchtower were also on the agenda.

The other point mentioned concerns agricultural cooperation between China and Burundi.

Mrs. Jiangping said that Chinese experts working in Burundi have tested the selected seeds of rice. Yield can reach 11 tons per hectare (ha) on corn seed from three crosses which can increase the yield by 30-40%. The technical team performed demonstrations in 11 provinces. Each province will do 50 ha of demonstration. Three thousand people have already been trained there. She added that China is ready to share its technical experiences to support Burundi in developing agriculture and eradicating poverty among the rural population.

The discussions also focused on the next 8th ministerial conference of the forum on China-Africa cooperation. Forum members will assess the latest results and discuss the cooperation plan in the next three years.