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Celebration of the World Day for the 16 Days of Activism Campaign Against Violations of the Rights of Women and Girls


Nov 30, 2021

MUYINGA November 29th (ABP) – Burundi proceeded on Thursday to the solemn celebration of the campaign day of 16 days of activism for the elimination of violations against women and girls in Muyinga province (northeast from the country). The ceremonies were enhanced by the presence of the Vice-President of the Republic, Mr. Prosper Bazombanza, the Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, Mrs. Imelda Sabushimike and representatives of the agencies United Nations such as PUND, UNFPA, UN-Women.

The Vice-President of the Republic strongly decried the perpetrators of this violence. He warned grassroots administrators who favor an amicable settlement to cover those perpetrators. “Such an administrative must be dismissed before his administrative hierarchy takes legal action against him. Files with a criminal stamp must be referred to the police and / or the prosecution, he recalled. He also warned the magistrates and the officers of the judicial police who perceive bribes instead of putting forward the law to protect victims of violence.

For the Minister in charge of Gender, combating violence against women and girls means protecting the positive values ​​of the family, which remains the pillar of Burundian society. A society free from gender-based violence involves the development and peace of an entire people. She lamented the fact that violence against women and girls is seen as much among educated people as among the illiterate. She invited everyone to fight with the last energy, that violence.

For the resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Burundi, it is a day of challenge, action and commitment for the elimination of all forms of violation against violations against women and girls in Burundi. According to him always, “violence against women and girls cannot, in any case, be contested and Burundi is no exception”.

That campaign should offer Burundians a strategic framework and an opportunity to use these 16 days as an opportunity for reflection in order to be able to sustainably influence policies, programs, budgets and everything that aims to eliminate that violence. He reiterated the commitment of the United Nations system to remain with the Burundian authorities at various levels to bring the victims to break the silence, to provide adequate medical and legal assistance to the same victims and to continue to work with the government to create a more protective environment and strengthen the socio-economic capacities of women.

The ceremonies ended with the presentation of prizes to individuals and associations who have distinguished themselves throughout the country in the fight against violence against women and girls.