• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

SOPROVAB will popularize bread wheat seeds


Nov 23, 2021

KAYANZA November 22nd (ABP) – The Society for the Production and Valorization of Bread Wheat in Burundi (SOPROVAB) met on Friday November 19 the seed multipliers of Kayanza, Kabarore, Matongo and Muruta communes of Kayanza province (north of Burundi) for the popularization of bread wheat seeds, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The chairman of the said company, Mr. Onésphore Ntakarutimana, indicated that this project will be implemented in Kayanza, Muramvya and Bururi provinces from March 2022. The said project is of great importance because, he explained, it will allow to the country not to spend much to import this kind of wheat. Also, the people will benefit a lot because, estimated Mr. Ntakarutimana, bread will cost less when bread wheat is produced in Burundi.

In the same vein, the administrative and financial director of SOPROVAB, at the same time the developer of the project, Mr. Déo Sibomana, said that the choice of the four communes of Kayanza province was not made at random. These are localities where the cultivation of wheat is very suitable, he explained, adding that the population of the targeted provinces and municipalities is already aware of the techniques of sowing wheat cultivation. He

reported that the estimated cost of the project is initially 85 billion BIF, but that SOPROVAB intends to expand the project, from where it will be estimated at more than 100 billion BIF.

Asked what will be the added value of the said project for the Burundian government and the population in general, Mr. Sibomana stressed that this project plans to limit to zero the currencies that the country will spend for the search for that kind of wheat. and that the gross domestic product will be increased.

For his part, the adviser to the governor of Kayanza in charge of administrative and financial affairs, Mrs. Justine Komezadusabe, questioned the administrative officials of Matongo, Kabarore, Kayanza and Muruta, the seed multipliers of these communes as well as those in charge of the agricultural sector. to make this project theirs.