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Villagization is a source of social cohesion and a pillar of sustainable community development, according to the Minister in charge of the Interior


Nov 12, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 11th (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca, on Tuesday November 9 opened the work of the workshop for the restitution of project preparation activities “Sustainable and inclusive reintegration of displaced people in Burundi “, which is part of the Integrated National Villagization Support Program (PNIAV) under development, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

View of the meeting participants

Minister Ndirakobuca indicated that the villagization promotion program is found in strategic axis number 12 centered on land use planning, with the strategic objective of rationalizing land use. To that end, he cited the projects relating to this promotion of villagization, including the development of rural villages, support for the implementation of place basic socio-economic infrastructures in the villages and the promotion of income-generating activities in those same villages.

In addition, specified Minister Ndirakobuca, villagization has always been considered a source of social cohesion and a pillar of sustainable community development in Burundi.

Following the socio-political crises experienced by Burundi, he stressed that villagization was considered a key factor in consolidating peace by allowing communities to be able to live together again.

In addition, he signified that the national development plan has the overall objective of structurally transforming the Burundian economy for strong, sustainable growth, inclusive resilience, creating decent jobs for all and leading to the improvement of welfare.

Burundi must break with the traditional vision of building villages of peace, but to evolve towards model villages of peace that participate in the promotion of community development by bringing basic services closer to the population, he said. for follow-up. He affirmed that the government is in the process of developing a PNIAV in all the country, starting from the big cities, provinces, capitals of the communes until the village level.

In the process of implementing that program, the Minister in charge of Community Development recalled that the National Communal Investment Fund (FONIC) was responsible for technical coordination, with particular emphasis on collaboration with partners. involved in the preparation and implementation of this program.

According to Minister Ndirakobuca, the pilot villages located in Cankuzo, Kirundo and Ruyigi provinces will be a source of inspiration and will give directions for the rest of the program.

During the presentations, the representative of UNDP, Mrs. Nicole Kouassi, said that model villages will soon be built in Cankuzo, Kirundo and Ruyigi for the benefit of the population, especially returnees and displaced people, as well as the most vulnerable.

The construction of these villages will be carried out by FONIC and international partners such as UNDP and UNHCR, said Mrs. Kouassi.

According to her, the estimated cost of this program is BIF 29,586,590,216 (approximately US $ 15 million). The construction of 56 houses on an area of ​​3.5 hectares in Cankuzo province, 224 houses in 28 hectares in Kirundo and 480 houses in 53 hectares in Ruyigi is planned, said the UNDP representative in Burundi.

SL: abp eng / ynd TL: dnt NOVEMBER 21