• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The classrooms are overcrowded in Maramvya zone


Nov 10, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 10th (ABP) – Classrooms in schools of Maramvya zone in Mutimbuzi commune of Bujumbura province (western Burundi) are today facing excessive numbers following the displacement of inhabitants of the Gatumba zone after the floods of their households last year.

But it is not the only cause, according to the administrator of that commune, Mr. Siméon Butoyi because, he indicates, the people of that zone increase every year because of the people who leave the city of Bujumbura to settle in that zone with their children.

To face that challenge, UNICEF ​​has supported those schools by building mobile classrooms in tarpaulins and equipping them with desks, but the problem still arises because there are pupils who sit on the ground, noted a check by ABP at the Kigwati Basic School (ECOFO) in the Rukaramu zone and at the ECOFO Peace Village of Maramvya.

The communal administrator of Mutimbuzi proposes, for his part, the construction of rooms upstairs. The town has the means to do so, he said. However, the municipality is faced with the lack of land for the construction of such schools, underlined Mr. Butoyi, who proposed that the ministry having the Environment in its attributions grant them land in Maramvya, in the domain of the State. He clarified that the lands of Maramvya belong to individuals, while the rest are state lands. Nevertheless, he laments, when the town writes to that ministry, the latter is slow to respond.