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The buyers of plots in the urban center of Cankuzo are called on to develop them


Nov 5, 2021

CANKUZO November 4th (ABP) – The buyers of plots in the urban center of Cankuzo are called upon to develop them by complying with the law, the head of the Burundian Office for l ‘Urbanism, Housing and Construction, (OBUHA) in Cankuzo province (eastern Burundi), Ir. Jérôme Nimubona, during an interview.

That OBUHA official said that the cleanliness of each urban center is measured by the level of construction that meets standards. Thus, he explained, it is necessary to keep an interval of 12 m from the road for the installations of the Regideso (water and electricity) in serviced districts.

The owners of plots granted by the town planning department have a period of one year to build their plots. They are required to present a letter of allocation of the plot or any other document certifying possession of the plot, as well as the building permit. After this period, the plot can be allocated to another person, specified the OBUHA manager. To people who have completed their construction but do not have the required documents, he called on them to report it to the provincial office of OBUHA as soon as possible for regularization.

In order to promote hygiene, each household is invited to dig, inside its fence, a lost well to facilitate the evacuation of wastewater.

Mr. Nimubona finally called on anyone willing to build their house in one of the neighborhoods below: Rugaragara, Nyamparahara I and II, Nyarukiga, Rutovu, Kagogo, Rushishi, Ndava, Muterero, Rurama and Nyamparahara to comply with the law.