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The Prime Minister has received in audience the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations


Oct 27, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 27th (ABP) – The Burundi Prime Minister, Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, received Tuesday, October 26, in his office, the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations in charge of peacekeeping operations, Mr. Jean Pierre Lacroix.

At the end of the hearing, the spokesperson for the Prime Minister, Mr. Moïse Nkurunziza, told the press that the two authorities essentially discussed peace and security, not only in Burundi, but also in the country’s neighbors, including the DRC. To that end, they have expressed an interest in that country finding peace, he said, arguing that it will be of interest to the UN, but also to Burundi.

According to the spokesperson for the Prime Minister, that UN authority said that he came to Burundi to congratulate this country for the troops who work in the Central African Republic and who show good performances. He took this opportunity to thank the Burundian authorities, the Burundian people and the Burundian troops themselves who perform in an exemplary manner in the Central African Republic.

The Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations in charge of peacekeeping operations also let it be known that he came to Burundi to dialogue with the country’s authorities, showing them that the UN is satisfied with the way in which the Burundian troops are intervening. in the stabilization of certain countries which still have questions relating to security. He took this opportunity to inform that the UN has already taken steps for a memorandum of understanding to be signed so that an additional unit of Burundian troops can be deployed in the Central African Republic.

According to Mr. Nkurunziza, the Burundian Prime Minister welcomed this UN authority who preferred to visit Burundi, explaining that it is an honor for Burundi that such an authority comes to Burundi to really see the achievements of the stability of peace and security, where Burundi is moving towards development.

Mr. Bunyoni pointed out that Burundi has a tradition of coming to the aid of its neighbor and that it is in this context that Burundi remains ready to intervene, if necessary, at the request of the UN. He also added that Burundi also recognizes what the United Nations has done in Burundi, through the multifaceted support that the department in charge of peacekeeping has granted to Burundi since 2005 until today, indicated Mr. Nkurunziza.

On the same occasion, the Prime Minister’s spokesperson said that Mr. Bunyoni specified that Burundi has two operational centers, one for the Burundian army and the other for the Burundian police. According to him, those two centers are equipped and prepare men who remain on standby to intervene in case of need and at the request of the UN organization and the African one.