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The Sahwanya-Frodebu party calls on everyone to get involved in national reconciliation


Oct 18, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 17th (ABP) – The leader of the Sahwanya Frodebu party, Mr. Pierre Claver Nahimana, on Friday October 15, 2021, hosted a press conference on the events of 1972 and on the activities of the Truth Reconciliation Commission (TRC) at the Burundi, a check on the site by ABP has disclosed.

In his speech, Mr. Nahimana clarified that since its creation, the Sahwanya Frodebu party has spoken out about the events of 1972.

With the negotiation and conclusion of the Arusha agreement for peace and reconciliation in Burundi, Mr. Nahimana indicated that the Sahwanya Frodebu party welcomed the resolution taken for the establishment of structures for research. the truth about the painful past of Burundi, the qualification of the events that were experienced and the treatments, both political and judicial.

According to him, on April 29, 2022, half a century will have passed since Burundi was subjected to those hard tests by the State and those who held power, adding that the Sahwanya Frodebu party considers that all national partners and international concerned with the reconciliation of the Burundian people, must combine their efforts so that this anniversary is an opportunity to reach common conclusions, built on the truth of the facts experienced during the said events.

The Sahwanya Frodebu party asked the Burundian government to show the enormous work already accomplished by the TRC, recommending that it accelerate its work and transmit the results to the institutions provided for by law so that during the year 2022, the Burundian people manage to take responsibility for the events collectively.

In addition, the Sahwanya Frodebu party invited state institutions and political parties, moral forces, civil society associations as well as the media to get involved, each as far as it is concerned, to support in a way. irreversible the Burundian people in their march towards the official proclamation of the truth about those events.

Mr. Nahimana also added that everyone has a duty to be a committed actor for a sincere national reconciliation in relation to the tragedy of 1972.

He did not forget to ask multilateral partners including the organization of the African Union and the European Union as well as bilateral partners, to support and support Burundi in its quest for the truth about this painful past, and to national reconciliation.

In these crucial moments for the future of Burundi, that party sent a special message to the Burundian youth, a generation that has no responsibility for the tragedies that Burundi has faced during the 20th century. According to him, the youth must become more involved in order to be freed from the heavy burden of the past in order to invest effectively in a sincere national reconciliation, a fundamental and unavoidable condition for a prosperous and just Burundi to which that generation aspires and has a right, a he added.