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The European Union delegation in Burundi brings new support opportunities for the renewable energy sector


Oct 18, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 17th (ABP) – The EDFI ElectriFI and GET invest programs are new support opportunities provided by the delegation of the European Union (DUE) in Burundi for the renewable energy sector, according to the related document received by a check by ABP from the press and information officer at the DUE in Burundi, Mr. Tony Nsabimana.

The ElectriFI program is an investment fund for the private sector which intervenes in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency, used for loans, credits, increase in equity, etc., it was specified. in this document while emphasizing that this investment fund is not used for grants. The ElectriFI funds are managed by a company incorporated under Belgian law called EDFI-MC (European Development Financial Institution-MC), it was reported.

EDFI ElectriFI has a global reach and offers specific financing solutions in certain countries in order to promote access to energy.

As for the countries whose launch of these programs for this year is in the embryonic stage, they are Kenya, Uganda, Eswatini and Burundi, we read in this document, noting that country windows are established in close collaboration with EUDs and local governments.

As for GET invest, a European program that will be active for at least three years in Burundi, it is a program that encourages investments in decentralized renewable energies in partner countries. The GET.invest program has two components, namely the mobilization of the private sector in renewable energies and the development of a portfolio of bankable projects. It is implemented by GIZ, an organization active in Burundi and in 120 countries around the world, it was reported.

The GET invest program supports all relevant energy technologies, including on-grid and off-grid electricity, clean cooking and productive use of energy.

That program has a vast network of partners and supports the public sector in building capacity and decision-making tools. It is technical assistance that offers advice on demand, so that projects and businesses ready to be financed are put in touch with financiers, it was read. The overall budget for these programs amounts to 10.6 million euros, of which the budget for the implementation of the ElectriFI program amounts to 9.3 million euros, that of GET invest is 1.1 million euros, while the envelope for evaluation activities and financial audits amounts to 200 thousand euros, it was specified in that document.

Recall that the two programs devoted to renewable energies and to improving access to electricity for populations living mainly in rural areas of Burundi, were officially launched on October 6, 2021, in the presence of the permanent secretary at the ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines, Selemani Khamissi and the EU Ambassador to Burundi, Claude Bochu.