• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The WFD in Mishiha commune faces different problems


Oct 5, 2021

CANKUZO October 5th (ABP) – The schools of the Communal Direction of Education in Mishiha, Cankuzo province (eastern Burundi), are handicapped by problems linked to the lack of teachers, classrooms and desks.

That was reported by the administrator of this commune, Mr. Frédéric Nzoyisaba, during a meeting he held on Friday, October 1 for all officials of that commune to discuss development, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The situation is thus presented when that communal management ranked 2nd in the national competition and 1st in the state exam during the 2020-2021 school year, said Mr. Nzoyisaba.

By way of illustration, the pupils sit on the floor at the Basic School (ECOFO) of Rutsindu I. In addition, this insufficiency of teachers and the high number of pupils means that at the ECOFO of Kibimba I, only five teachers do the work that had to be done by nine teachers, taking into account pedagogical standards.

The ECOFO Rutsindu I pupils sitting on the floor in class

Consequently, the schoolchildren do not manage to follow the courses properly, underlined the pedagogical adviser within that DCE, Mr. Christophe Ndayisaba, specifying that many of them resume the year.

Meanwhile, the education sector in Mishiha commune faces dropouts, said Administrator Nzoyisaba, who recommended that all principals give daily reports of students who are absent from class. They will need to work closely with the local administration, which in turn will clean up every child who misses class to find out the cause.

The participants in that meeting were invited to combine their efforts to alleviate all these problems which handicap the education sector because, estimated the municipal administrator, one cannot speak of development while ignoring education.

It should be noted that a sum of 113,000 BIF was collected from the participants in the meeting who wanted to give their contribution in the education system.

Mr. Nzoyisaba, who reminded officials that working hours must be respected, urged them to provide quality service.

While the agro-pastoral sector should be the engine of the country’s economic development, the administrator of Mishiha commune urged schools and churches to prepare modern crop fields to serve as an example for the entire population.