• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The International Day of Peace has been celebrated


Sep 26, 2021

MURAMVYA September 23rd (ABP) – Burundi joined countries around the world on Tuesday (September 21) in the celebration of the International Day of Peace. The ceremonies marking this day took place at the royal stadium of Muramvya (center-west of Burundi), under the high patronage of the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Prosper Bazombanza, the Minister in charge of Social Affairs, Mrs. Imelde Sabushimike and the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Burundi, Mr. Richmond Tiemoko.

The theme chosen for this year is “Rise for a more equitable and sustainable world”. A football match between young people from political parties operating in Muramvya province was organized on this occasion and ended with a score of two goals a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his welcoming speech, the governor of Muramvya, Mr. Diomède Nzambimana, said that the province chosen to celebrate the International Day of Peace is peaceful and that the population is going about their daily work to develop.

The resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Burundi noted that the presence of the country’s high authorities and members of different social strata is eloquent testimony to a strong commitment by Burundians to support and promote the strengthening of the ideals of peace. in order to build a more peaceful and equitable world. He took the opportunity to paraphrase the video message of the United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 2021 edition. He indicated that this year’s celebration comes at a critical time for humanity. He cited the Covid-19 which has turned the world upside down, the conflicts which are becoming unavoidable, the inequalities and poverty which are worsening as mistrust and division separate people at a time when solidarity and collaboration are more than never needed.

“As a human family, we are faced with a difficult choice, peace or perpetual peril. We must choose peace”, translated Mr. Tiemoko.

From left right, the resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Burundi and the minister in charge of social affairs

In his occasional speech, the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, on behalf of the Government of Burundi, indicated that they went to Muramvya to join the Burundian population and that of the whole world in the celebration of the feast dedicated to peace which has an important meaning for the Burundians mainly. They wish each other peace in their greeting “Gira amahoro”, he recalled, stressing that the Burundians, who have known difficult periods and those of peace today, know its importance.

Based on the theme of the year, he said that the fight against injustice is a duty of every human being, especially men of law and justice. He thus asked judges, in their independence from the judiciary, to take the lead to show that they are leaders in the fight against injustice. To effectively fight injustice and work for lasting peace, only those who have the truth must be rehabilitated and corruption eradicated in Burundi and around the world, said Bazombanza. The Vice-President of the Republic took that opportunity to protest against the disseminators of false information and those who still dream of disrupting the internal security of the population.

“It is unfortunate to see criminals ambushing and throwing grenades into buses or places full of innocent people,” said Bazombanza. He mobilized the people to be the peacekeeper and to strengthen the quadrilogy by denouncing in time the back and forth movements of strangers who are likely to disrupt security. The Vice-President of the Republic however congratulated those who give themselves day and night for the sustainability of peace and security in the country.

Note that this International Day of Peace was closed with the award ceremony to two youth teams from political parties who played a football match to enhance the celebration. The winning team received a cup, balloon and envelope of 250,000 BIF, while the second was given a balloon and envelope of 150,000 BIF for refreshment.