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The Burundi Head of State has inaugurated the extension building of the Urumuri Center


Sep 26, 2021

GITEGA September 20th (ABP) – The Head of State, Evariste Ndayishimiye, proceeded on Friday 17 September 2021, at the inauguration of the extension building of the Women’s Care Center suffering from obstetric fistulas (center Urumuri) of Gitega, commune and province Gitega (center of the country).

That two-level building and a capacity for hospitalization of 28 patients, was constructed thanks to the financing of the Foundation Good Action Umugiraneza (FBAU), chaired by the First Lady of Burundi, Mrs. Angeline Ndayishimiye, for an amount of 664.774 .393 FBU, as shown in his speech.

Now that this step is crossed, she said, they will tackle the quest for sophisticated equipment and specialist doctors to better cure that category of patients.

She expressed her feelings of satisfaction with the 159 women who recovered good health as a result of the obstetric fistula awareness campaign, two months, conducted from October 2020, by her foundation.

Mrs. Ndayishimiye reiterated the commitment of the FBAU in raising awareness of women with obstetric fistula to be treated.

“Our ambition is to create a place in the sun to all women who suffer from obstetric fistulas. They become social discharges and bets to the back by their spouses while caught this disease during delivery “She regretted.

Speaking in turn, the Burundian Head of State congratulated FBAU for its substantial contribution to the development of the medical field.

He congratulated that foundation for the revaluation of women with obstetric fistula through their medical care and their family and social reintegration.

To encourage the FBAU to move forward, President Ndayishimiye promised him an ambulance that will ensure the displacement of the patients of obstetric fistula. He seized that opportunity to ask girls to avoid pregnancies before body maturity, explaining that obstetric fistula depend on it.

In case of pregnancy, he urged all women to do the prenatal consultation and give birth in car e structures to be assisted.

Economic operators, he asked for investing in the medical sector through the construction of modern health infrastructures with modern equipment as well. “This is the best way to avoid colossal spending to patients who go outside the country to take care of it”. Before closing, he asked the management of the Gitega Regional Hospital to rehabilitate the infrastructures of this health structure that will celebrate the centennial in 2022.

Previously, the Minister with Public Health in his Duties had indicated that since its inception in 2010, the Center for the Care of Women with the obstetric fistulas of Gitega has already treated 3055 women, stating that among those ones , 98% are healed.