• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards the fierce fight against corruption


Aug 29, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 29th (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Gervais Ndirakobuca held, on Thursday August 26, 2021, in Bujumbura, a working meeting bringing together all the provincial governors, communal administrators, senior officials of this ministry as well as the police and security forces.

The objective of that meeting was to present to those concerned a strategic plan to fight against corruption and mismanagement of public affairs; a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In an interview with the media, the secretary of the commission responsible for developing the sector strategy to fight corruption and mismanagement of public affairs OPC2 Prime Niyongabo, indicated that this meeting was organized to present the main lines that make up that strategy. Those include staff coaching, leadership development, good governance, improved human resource management, and staff well-being.

Mr. Niyongabo pointed out that public procurement management units must be guided by principles of transparency. That strategic anti-corruption plan also includes documentation and communication. Programs related to corruption should be broadcast, he said. In addition, he revealed the green telephone numbers, open to the public, to provide information in the event of corruption. That is 413 for calls and 77495122 for short messages.

Minister Ndirakobuca invited all administrative officials to get seriously involved in the fight against corruption, inviting communal administrators to sensitize the population on the denunciation of such cases.

During this meeting, the communal administrators signed a performance contract in which the State and the municipality undertake, for the year 2021-2022, to implement the measures and actions contained in this document. The signatories also pledged to mobilize the necessary funds to carry out the operations.

Note that this sectoral strategy for the fight against corruption was adopted unanimously by all the administrative officials who were present at that meeting.