• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ONPGH calls on national and international justice to prosecute the perpetrators of the deadly attacks in Ruhagarika and Rutegama


Aug 25, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 24th (ABP) – The National Observatory for the Prevention of War Crimes and Other Crimes Against Humanity (ONPGH), released on Monday August 23, 2021, in Bujumbura, a statement on the occasion of the international day of remembrance in honor of the victims of terrorism.

The ONPGH chairman, Mr. Jean de Dieu Mutabazi, who read the statement, said that considering the scale of the deadly attacks against innocent civilians, which occurred in Ruhagarika on May 11, 2018 in Cibitoke province and in Rutegama in Muramvya province and others, he specified that the ONPGH unreservedly condemns these acts which he considers terrorist and took the same opportunity to ask national and international justice to prosecute the authors, sponsors and executors of those despicable acts in accordance with the law. Mr. Mutabazi underlined through that declaration that the observatory for which he is responsible expresses its solidarity with all the victims and survivors of those acts of terrorism and asks the government of Burundi, NGOs and civil society to continue to support them to assist morally and materially.

To the highest Burundian authorities, he asked them to further strengthen sub-regional, regional and international solidarity and cooperation to destroy terrorism by using drastic means both at the operational and institutional level.

The ONPGH congratulates the Burundians, the security forces and the administration who work in synergy to maintain peace and security throughout the national territory.