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The administrator of Gihanga commune calls for the suspension of all works along the Kajeke river


Aug 18, 2021

BUBANZA August 18th (ABP) – The administrator of Gihanga commune in Bubanza province (north-western Burundi), Mr. Léopold Ndayisaba, calls for the temporary suspension of all works along the Kajeke river to prevent damage often caused by the deviation of this river, according to a communal administrative source.

That Kajeke river passes through Bubanza and Gihanga communes. In Gihanga commune, rice farmers use the water from that river to irrigate their rice fields, by diverting part of the river through irrigation canals. That deviation proved dangerous because, in April and May of this year, that river damaged fields and destroyed infrastructures in the Gihanga villages, Buringa and in Village 4. In addition, 100 hectares of cotton in the Cotton management company (COGERCO) and graves in Mpanda cemetery were also damaged, the same source said.

That is why the administrator of Gihanga commune is calling for the suspension of rice cultivation along the Kajeke River. It also prohibits the manufacture of bricks on the banks of this river until the end of the work to put that river back in its bed.

Mr. Ndayisaba invites the provincial development partners to give their contributions in order to prevent the resumption of material and human damage by that Kajeke river.