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The First Lady has participated in the celebration of World Population Day


Aug 16, 2021

CANKUZO August 16th (ABP) – The First Lady of Burundi, Mrs. Angeline Ndayishimiye, on Thursday August 12, 2021, enhanced the celebration of World Population Day in Cankuzo in Kigamba commune (eastern Burundi) under the theme: “demographic growth has consequences on the health of the population, let’s make the right choice, according to our rights, let’s plan births”.

Also present at those ceremonies were the Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Dr. Thaddée Ndikumana, the Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, Mrs. Imelde Sabushimike, the resident representative of UNFPA Burundi, Dr. Richmond Tiemoko, the deputies and senators elected in Cankuzo province as well as other executives, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

View of participants

The First Lady of Burundi said good health for man is the basis of development, adding that those who have understood the birth control program have good health and care enough about their households. In addition, according to her always, they are happy and practice works for the development of their families and the nation. So, this is a good opportunity for anyone to make adequate decisions that can help them decrease people growth.

Mrs. Ndayishimiye said that contraceptives are already available in health institutions and that many of the staff have received satisfactory training in that matter.

Although the Burundians numbered 8 million in 2008, she said, that number has increased, today to around 12 million. She recalled that the area of ​​the country remains the same where, according to her, family planning is necessary. She took the opportunity to appeal to men to engage with their wives on reproductive health.

For her, women must ask the Almighty for intelligence to take charge of the issue related to their health, for their well-being and that of the children because, she explained, a woman who does not limit births does not take good care of the household, from which the children become victims by suffering from diseases linked to poor nutrition.

The First Lady advised them to go to hospitals or to use traditional methods or to seek advice from church leaders. However, leaders are called upon to sensitize, through associations, theaters, and other channels, families to give birth to children whom they are capable of educating. Because, she explained, land conflicts, killings, deaths at birth, are often due to the non-limitation of births.

As for the Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Dr Thaddée Ndikumana, the surveys carried out in 2016-2017 showed that a woman could give birth to 5 children. Today, he said, we must achieve the State’s objective that a woman does not exceed 3 children only.

For him, the State intervention program in relation to free maternity care does not mean encouraging the delivery of many children, but improving the health of mother and child, explained the minister.

Note that the First Lady, at the end of the ceremonies, granted a donation of delivery beds and contraceptives worth 450 million Burundian francs intended for the provinces of Cankuzo, Gitega, Kirundo and Ngozi with the support of UNFPA Burundi and ABUBEF via its wish2action program before going to the orphanage located in Muremera village, in Kigamba commune, where it gave food aid, including sugar and juice.