• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Supervision of children on vacation in the parish of Saint Guido Maria Conforti


Aug 12, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 12th (ABP) – The parish of Saint Guido Maria Conforti of the Kamenge zone, in Ntahangwa commune, has organized since July 12, 2021 the supervision activities for children on vacation under the theme “We are all brothers”, said Wednesday August 11, 2021, the person in charge of those activities in this parish, Mrs. Anne-Marie Nyankiye, during an interview she gave to a check by ABP.

Mrs. Nyankiye indicated that this framework is held in the context of bringing children to love Jesus Christ and to make their neighbors love him. She said that these activities take place in the six centers of that parish, stressing that the supervised children are those from the 1st year of nursery school to the 6th year of primary school.

In addition, she added, those activities begin at 8:00 am with a prayer of blessing and invocation of the Holy Spirit and various activities by the presidents of the centers. Activities continue in the various rooms planned, according to groups and age categories until noon.

As practical activities, she cited plastic expression exercises (drawing, crafts, making bags and sewing), musical expression exercises (teaching songs, theaters), and housework and hygiene, underlined Mrs. Nyankiye.

At the end of those activities on Saturday August 14, Mrs. Nyankiye said that the children will exhibit their works to their parents. She did not forget to educate parents to bring their kids next year, citing behavior change and the ability to do odd jobs as a benefit.