• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Analysis and adoption of the draft internal regulations of the National Assembly


Aug 12, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 12th (ABP) – The MPs met from August 9 to 10, 2021 in plenary session, at the Kigobe hemicycle, to analyze the amendments to the draft rules of procedure of the National Assembly, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The chairman of the commission in charge of that project, Mr. Côme Manirakiza, during the explanatory memorandum, indicated that the parliament of Burundi has been, since its creation, governed by various constitutions which have succeeded one another.

According to him, legislative power in Burundi is currently exercised by a bicameral parliament, comprising the National Assembly and the Senate, which are responsible for the representation of the people, the drafting of bills and the adoption of bills, as well as the control of the action of the executive, ensuring the effective implementation of laws and national policy.

Mr. Manirakiza said that the parliamentary administration in Burundi is today marked by a deficient legal framework both at the administrative and organizational level, which, he stressed, handicaps the functioning of the parliamentary institution.

According to him, the content of the draft internal regulations of the National Assembly is structured by general provisions, the administrative organization and functioning of the National Assembly, parliamentary sessions, legislative procedure, organization of debates and inter-parliamentary relations.

After the analysis of the said project and the discussions relating to it, the MPs adopted it unanimously, that is to say 114 votes in favor.