• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Governor of Kirundo province says scale of Covid-19 has declined after few recorded cases


Aug 10, 2021

KIRUNDO August 10th (ABP) – The governor of Kirundo province (northern Burundi), Mr Albert Hatungimana, has indicated that his province has recorded a few cases of Covid-19 during the mass testing which is underway, he told a check by ABP.

Mr. Hatungimana said that the majority of those tested positive are people from the town of Kirundo and its surroundings since they have lessened the respect for the barrier measures taken against the Covid-19 pandemic, adding that there is nothing to worry in other communes.

The provincial governor informed the check by ABP that after noticing those cases, the provincial administration launched a message warning whoever dares to greet the other hand in hand or kiss with others that will have to pay a fine of 2000 BIF. He stressed that all the villages are sensitized to respect those barrier measures against this pandemic, and that the positive impact is visible because the scale has really decreased, he said.

Regarding those who tested positive, he indicated that the majority become healed and that others are under medical supervision. The provincial governor took the opportunity to deny the false information published on some social networks alerting that the province is in danger following several cases of Covid-19. He reassured the people that the province is peaceful and that all services are functional. The provincial governor asked the pupils on vacation to be tested in order to be aware of the situation of their health. The medical director of the health province of Kirundo, Dr Louis Nzitunga, affirmed that the rate of the positive tests decreased compared to the beginning of the mass testing, also calling on the people of Kirundo to respect the barrier measures in order to cope with the pandemic.