• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Speaker of the National Assembly insists on love of the motherland and diligence at work


Jul 28, 2021

RUYIGI July 28th (ABP) – The speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, has been since Saturday July 24 in Ruyigi province (eastern Burundi) for a three-day visit, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

On the first day of his visit, he held a meeting with the heads of services in Nyamutobo village located at the headquarters of the province, while on the second day, he attended a mass at the Pentecostal Church of Nyamutobo. On Monday July 26, the last day of his visit, Mr. Ndabirabe held a meeting with representatives of cooperative societies operating throughout the province.

During the three days, the speaker of the National Assembly insisted, in all the meetings, on the love of the motherland and diligence at work. He also called on the entire Burundian population to avoid all kinds of chicanery that erupt in churches under the pretext of serving God. The government should adopt restrictive measures against churches sinking into dissension, Mr Ndabirabe suggested.

                                                                              View of the meeting participants

Regarding cooperative societies, Mr. Ndabirabe explained that they must work in line with their goal. Indeed, he explained, a cooperative society is very different from a simple cooperative in its organization, its scope and the purposes of their productions. He stressed that cooperative societies were initiated as part of good governance and the fight against poverty so that every citizen can have food and money in their pockets.