• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The 2021 diplomatic week has been opened


Jun 30, 2021

BUJUMBURA June 30th (ABP) – The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Isidore Ntirampeba, on behalf of the Minister, opened on Monday June 28, 2021 the Diplomatic Week 2021 edition at the same time 6th edition. The theme for this year is: “Economic diplomacy through the promotion of public-private partnership and local entrepreneurship for the implementation of the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027”.

Mr. Ntirampeba specified in his speech that the chosen theme reflects the main orientations of responsible and hard-working government. On the one hand, it is about working to strengthen the partnership between the public sector and the private sector in achieving the goals of the PND through international relations based on economic cooperation. It is also about the combined efforts of the people for their self-development, he added.

According to Mr. Ntirampeba, the diplomatic week aims to make Burundi known with its physical beauty, its cultural identity as well as the efforts made by the government to improve the well-being of the people.

                                                                                                    View of the diplomats

The diplomatic week also offers a special moment for Burundian actors of diplomacy, members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of international and regional organizations, to discuss in a relaxed atmosphere on national, regional and international issues of common interest and more fraternity. It is also an opportunity for diplomats residing in the country to be together in a relaxed and free environment. For those who do not reside in Burundi, this is an opportunity to discover the best of that country and its people.

The permanent secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation has also indicated that the President of the Republic of Burundi wants to make Burundi a hardworking State. Thus, various sites of an economic nature or catalysts of projects that will be visited are placed in that line. They aim at self-employment among young people as a solution to unemployment and support for producing companies in order to reach self-sufficiency. Mr. Ntirampeba ended his remarks by reminding diplomats of keeping observing the barrier measures taken against COVID-19 during the excursion.

It is worth noting that the diplomatic week 2021 edition is scheduled for three days, from June 28 to 30, 2021.