• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The African Union Special Representative for the GLR has paid a farewell visit to the Head of State of Burundi


Jun 25, 2021

BUJUMBURA June 25th (ABP) – The Head of State of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, received in audience on Thursday, June 24, 2021, the special representative of the African Union for the Great Lakes Region (RGL), Ambassador Basile Ikouebe who came announce his departure from Burundi and the Great Lakes Region for other destinations.

Ambassador Ikouebe indicated that he took that opportunity to tell President Ndayishimiye, in a personal capacity, that he is a little sad to have to leave a country to which he was attached and where he was beginning to like. Professionally, he expressed his satisfaction to see that Burundi is no longer the country that was described as in crisis for a few years.

He also offered him the congratulations and encouragement of the African Union (AU) for the progress made. He indicated that this is a process that the AU will accompany and that he is sure it will promote further progress.

He said when he arrived, about three years ago; it was not the same political landscape. “We can say that today there is a wide opening, especially on the diplomatic level, all the Missions and all the Conferences will soon come here”, he added.

He leaves with the image of a country which is coming back to life with the international community and which will benefit from all the necessary support. He is confident that Burundi’s partners are very sensitive to the significant advances made, he reassured.