• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

People are called upon to denounce traders speculating on BRARUDI products


Jun 25, 2021

RUMONGE June 25th (ABP) – The bottom-up administration in Rumonge province is called upon to ensure that the prices of BRARUDI (Brewing and Lemonade Processing in Burundi) products are respected and the people are asked to denounce the traders who make speculation on the same products.

That message was delivered by the chief of staff of the governor of Rumonge province (south-west of Burundi), Mr. Léonard Niyonsaba, during a meeting held for traders of BRARUDI products, communal administrators and officials of the security and defense corps in Rumonge province.

While some communal administrators deplored during the same meeting, the rise in prices of BRARUDI products, others expressed concern about the total shortage of those products which is noticeable in their communes.

The delegate of BRARUDI at the level of the South region, who had also participated in that meeting, took that opportunity to publish the sales prices recognized by BRARUDI.

The retailers regretted the fact that they are not served in sufficient quantity at the level of the various sales points while the owners of the latter find, according to them, that the BRARUDI depots are unable to respond to their orders.

To deal with this problem, participants suggested and agreed that traders with orders below 200 crates are now prohibited from sourcing at MEGA level.

The chief of staff of the governor of the province called on the bottom-up administration in Rumonge province to closely monitor the price situation on all products in order to fight against the speculation of certain traders. As for people, they have been called upon to denounce anyone who sets the illegal price so that they can be punished.

To close the meeting, the chief of staff announced that a provincial commission responsible for ensuring the respect for prices on BRARUDI products will soon be set up in order to implement the recommendations resulting from the meeting.