• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Prohibited drinks and hemp were seized in Musigati commune


Jun 21, 2021

BUBANZA June 21st (ABP) – Prohibited drinks and hemp were seized on Friday June 18 at around 4:30 p.m. in a household located in Bukinga village of Musigati commune (north-western Burundi), the district administrative source has revealed.

That search was carried out by the police, on information from the inhabitants of the locality. In that household, the police seized two cans of 20 liters each, full of prohibited drink, named “Kanyanga”, and 1 kilogram and 200 balls of hemp packed in a handbag for lady.

The head of that household has run away but one of the consumers of that drink has been arrested and is currently in the hands of the Musigati judicial police, the same source said.

The administrator of the Musigati commune, Mr. Déo Kwizerimana, invites those who still consider illegal drugs and prohibited drinks as a source of income, to seek other income-generating activities recognized by law, because these drinks and narcotics remain harmful to human health.