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The UPD-Zigamibanga party positively appreciates the achievements of the government after one year of exercise


Jun 20, 2021

BUJUMBURA June 20th (ABP) – The UPD-Zigamibanga party is delighted with the achievements made by the “responsible” and “hard-working” government headed by the President Evariste Ndayishimiye, after a year in office, the leader of the UPD-Zigamibanga, Abdul Kassim, said in a statement issued on Friday, June 18, 2021.

According to Mr. Kassim, a year has passed since the inauguration of President Ndayishimiye to the supreme office after the democratic elections of May 20, 2020. The UPD-Zigamibanga party would once again like to congratulate the Head of State for that task.

Mr. Kassim added that the UPD-Zigamibanga party had well supported and made the companion during the presidential election for the candidate Evariste Ndayishimiye in order to lead the destinies of Burundi.

In his speech, he cited some achievements made by the “responsible” and “hard-working” government, in particular the peace and security which reign throughout the national territory, the meetings with all the leaders of the approved political parties in Burundi, the proven struggle against embezzlement, fraud and others without forgetting the voluntary repatriation of all Burundian refugees wherever they are and the release of about five thousand detainees who have returned to their households.

On that occasion, Mr. Kassim affirmed that the UPD-Zigamibanga party would like to denounce the behavior of certain traders speculating on basic products and putting up prices despite the tariffs set by the competent authorities.

He cited in particular the case of sugar, BRARUDI products and palm oil. He is also concerned about the increasingly deteriorating state of the roads, whether in the city of Bujumbura or in the interior of the country. He took the opportunity to appeal to the government of Burundi to make a special effort in the transport sector because it could contribute to lowering the prices of goods. To end his speech, he indicated that the UPD-Zigamibanga party encourages President Ndayishimiye and his government to continue on the same path for the interest of all Burundians and foreigners residing in the country by always privileging dialogue.