• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The 51st Ministerial Meeting of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee for Security in Central Africa has ended


May 31, 2021

BUJUMBURA May 31st (ABP) – The 51st ministerial meeting of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee for Security in Central Africa, which had been held in Bujumbura since May 24, was closed on Friday May 28, with a series of resolutions.

According to the Burundian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Albert Shingiro, the 11 countries have mainly addressed questions of peace and security, starting with the security situation in the Central African Republic and Chad.

He indicated that the 11 countries have supported the 2 countries so that their peace situation can improve and for their populations to deploy a lot of energy for their socioeconomic recovery. It was noted that another summit will be held on June 4 in Brazzaville to take an in-depth look at the situation in Chad.

Still on peace and security, Minister Shingiro said that they discussed the challenge of terrorism on land and sea. According to him, the delegations from the countries of Central Africa have agreed to combine their efforts to get rid of those phenomena which are distractions instead of focusing on issues of socioeconomic development.

Other issues they discussed concerned the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and the phenomenon of mercenarism. He said that the delegations present will pass them on to their respective Heads of State.

The Burundian Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs said that chairing that committee is a great honor for Burundi.

According to him, hosting a meeting of this dimension, for the first time since 2015, shows that Burundi is gradually returning to the national and international scene.

Mr. Shingiro promised the 11 member States that Burundi will bring off its 6-month term, explaining that Burundi has the resources it takes to get there.

He called for the support of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Central Africa to support Burundi during that chairmanship.

Alongside the delegations from 11 countries within Central Africa, that meeting saw the participation, among others, of the special representatives of the Secretary General of the United Nations to the African Union for the Great Lakes region, and the special representative of the African Union for the Great Lakes region.