• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

The First Lady calls on pupils to avoid debauchery and drug use to prepare for their future


Jun 4, 2024

BUJUMBURA, June 4th (ABP) – On Friday, the First Lady of the Republic of Burundi, Angeline Ndayishimiye, closed the awareness campaign for young schoolchildren on sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and nutrition for the year 2023-2024, targeting pupils at the Mugera minor seminary, the Notre Dame de l’Assomption high school, the Gitora communal high school and the Mugera I and II basic school, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Photo of pupils from the Lycée Notre- Dame de l’Assomption

In her speech, Angeline Ndayishimiye said that the campaign had been prompted by the high number of school dropouts linked to unwanted pregnancies among girls under 20 and other unworthy behaviour. For that reason, she invited them to set themselves goals, or a vision of their future. They must have the thirst to finish their studies and go on to higher education. To get there, they must always be characterized by good behaviour.

She called on them to avoid sexual debauchery, which is the source of all ills. She cited early and unwanted pregnancies, clandestine abortion, which can even lead to death, obstetric fistula with all its consequences, HIV AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections.

The First Lady reminded them that it is written in the Word of God that “Their bodies are temples of the Lord”.  Young girls should avoid using contraceptive methods because they are not married. Pupils should also avoid ligala and the use of drugs.

Pupils must follow the advice given to them by their parents, exploit their talents, take care of housework instead of making do with the servants they have at home. They also need to be team players.

With regard to the use of ICTs, the First Lady urged the pupils to use them to enrich themselves and build their capacity for the lessons they learn at school, instead of using them to watch pornographic films that confuse their future.

According to the First Lady, pupils should have a good diet, specifying that a good diet is made up of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

For his part, the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Prof. François Havyarimana, welcomed the First Lady’s initiative in organizing such a campaign, which supports the efforts of his ministry.

Young students are the Burundi of tomorrow, he said, and they should finish their studies while still in good health, adding that “science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul”. According to him, in 2040-2060, they will be responsible for the country’s future.

After the session, the students welcomed the advice they had just received and promised to change their behaviour and mentality.