• Mon. Jun 17th, 2024

The OBR opts for capacity building for media professionals


Sep 22, 2023

BUJUMBURA September 21st (ABP) – The Burundian Revenue Office (OBR) organized on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 in Bujumbura, a meeting for media professionals operating on the national territory.

The person in charge of taxpayer education within the OBR, Mr. Willy Citeretse, clarified that this meeting aimed to strengthen journalists on customs laws and procedures in order to be comfortable with certain concepts at the time media coverage of activities or events organized by the OBR.

In his presentation, he specified that taxes and duties are set taking into account the customs trilogy constituted by the tariff code of the merchandise, its origin and its value.

He also indicated that a country aiming for its development must first unite with other countries and this is done through the signing of agreements and conventions. It is for this reason that the countries of the East African Community (EAC) have come together to develop their respective trade, which could enable them to actively participate in international trade, he said.

According to him, other multiple advantages such as the exchange of experiences and goods can be added which could encourage, in some way, investors to multiply their production efforts. Mr. Citeretse further indicated that allowing the exchange of goods does not in any way mean waste given that the country remains with the prerogatives of taking measures to protect locally produced goods.

The person in charge of taxpayer education at the OBR also indicated that other capacity building sessions will be regularly organized for journalists, to allow them to immerse themselves in certain customs concepts.