• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Appeal to leaders to be honest and faithful for the good of the people


Jun 29, 2024

MWARO, June 29th (ABP) – The President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, calls on leaders to be honest and faithful in the tasks assigned to them for the good of the population. That was the message he gave during his meeting with the country’s leaders and chiefs at Nyabihanga, Mwaro Province, in the early hours of 21 June, on the second day of the thanksgiving prayer organized to mark the 4th anniversary of his inauguration.

President Ndayishimiye expressed his satisfaction with the peace that has prevailed throughout the country for the past four years. He also spoke of his experiences during his time as President.

He also identified four categories of leaders with whom he has had to deal. He mentioned the hypocrites, the lazy, the hoarders and those who occupy undeserved positions.

The Head of State took the opportunity to call on the participants in that meeting to look back at Burundi’s history, particularly its customs and traditions, in order to build the present and a better future. He reminded them that they were chosen among others and were therefore invited to maintain their previous social status.

                                                                                                  View of the participants

He concluded his speech by saying that our country needs good leaders and managers who are honest, loyal and not corrupt. In that context, each leader is called upon to be a true counsellor to his or her hierarchical authority and to fight against cowardice in order to lead Burundi to emergence in 2040 and to development in 2060.

In the afternoon, the prayer of thanksgiving organized for that occasion continued. In his speech, the Head of State urged the leaders to be role models in all their activities and to show their determination to effectively implement the vision of Burundi’s development.

He also called on Burundians to introspect and repent in order to receive God’s blessing and grace. He told Burundians that the road to prosperity is open. He asked them to ask for God’s strength to help them get there.

He also reassured the population that the products they lack, including fuel, will arrive in sufficient quantities in a few days’ time.

In his sermon, Abbé Daniel Nizigiyimana, the parish priest of Bugendana, referred to the Word of God, taken from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 18, and from Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verse 18, which says that the Almighty is incomparable, infallible and faithful. Therefore, everyone is invited to believe in Him. He added that the Word of God is the bridge between the Almighty and His creatures. He invited the leaders to renew their friendship with the Creator of the world.

He also asked Burundians to distance themselves forever from prostitution and homosexuality, which are the source of all evil and could bring a curse on the country.