• Fri. Jun 21st, 2024

Celebration of World Environment Day and launch of activities for the 2024-2025 forestry year


Jun 14, 2024

MAKAMBA, June 14th (ABP) – The Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr Prosper Bazombanza, was in Makamba province (southern Burundi) on Thursday 13 June to mark the celebration of World Environment Day, a check on the site by ABP has disclosed.

The activities took place in Musenyi, in the Gitara zone of the Mabanda commune, where Mr Bazombanza called on Burundians to use gas instead of firewood to prepare meals because, he said, the use of gas or peat is less expensive and preserves the forests. He urged those constructing multi-storey buildings to use scaffolding to limit the cutting of trees.

The government of Burundi has undertaken a number of initiatives to protect the environment, including planting more than 23,000 bamboo plants to bamboo plants to protect river banks, the construction of a wastewater treatment centre in Bujumbura, and others, he pointed out.

The Vice-President of the Republic thanked the partners who continue to support Burundi in the environmental sector. On that occasion, he took part in the preparation of a nursery containing more than 160,0000 tree seedlings to launch the activities of the 2024-2025 forestry year. He also asked businessmen to invest in the sector of transformation of non-biodegradable waste into useful products for daily use.

The representative of the development partners, Francesco Mancini, promised that the United Nations system and its organisations would continue to support Burundi in the various sectors of national life.