• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Burundian economic operators are urged to avoid unfair competition


Jun 11, 2024

BUJUMBURA, June 11th (ABP) – The Ministry of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism, supported by the World Bank, organized a workshop in Bujumbura from Wednesday June 5 to Friday June 7, 2024, on “the state of play of the implementation of the regulatory framework of competition in Burundi”.

That meeting was organized through the Trade Facilitation and Integration in the Great Lakes Region project, with the aim of combating unfair competition in Burundi and the region.

On that occasion, Mr. Jean Samandari, permanent secretary of the Association of Traders of Burundi (ACOBU), pointed out that the competition commission had been set up by presidential decree on April 14, 2024, noting that it was a source of pride for the country, the members of the commission and the region. That kind of competition regulatory authority also exists in the region, within COMESA and the Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAF), he added.

                       Pierre Nduwayo, President of the Burundian Consumers’ Association

Mr. Samandari pointed out that the establishment of the Competition Regulatory Commission provides an opportunity for Burundian economic operators, industrialists and traders to fight against injustice. It also has the mission of advising the government and parliamentarians to put in place texts that favor the business climate, which will generate benefits for the country and the region.

Mr.  Samandari took the opportunity to announce that it also provides for sanctions for those caught committing those injustices, and that it is necessary to take repressive measures against them, so that everyone can work in compliance with the law and ethics in the commercial and industrial field.

Pierre Nduwayo, President of the Burundi Consumers’ Association (ABUCO), welcomed the step taken by Burundi in setting up a competition commission to join other countries in the sub-region, notably the East African Community, pointing out that Burundi was among the first countries in that community to set up that commission. He also pointed out that consumers are set to benefit, since they have been taken into account by the law setting up the commission.