• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Holding of the 9th Grade National Competition


Jun 7, 2024

CANKUZO/BUJUMBURA/KAYANZA/MURAMVYA, June 7th (ABP) – The holding of the 9th grade national competition, 2024 edition, began on Tuesday, June 4, throughout the country.

In Cankuzo province (East of Burundi), the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Mr. François Havyarimana, was at the Cankuzo Municipal High School where he launched that national orientation and certification competition for post-fundamental education.

Around 81,429 students were expected throughout the country, with 907 examination centers planned and 3,306 supervisors, he said. Minister Havyarimana indicated in his speech that out of the 81,429 candidates, there are 22 who have special needs.

The Minister Havyarimana invited the students not to be alarmed, specifying that that competition is an exam like any other. He thus called on the candidates to work in tranquility while avoiding cheating. As for the supervisors, he called on them to respect the relevant regulations. He recalled that sanctions, including dismissal from service, are planned for anyone who is an accomplice to cheating.

In Kayanza province (north of Burundi), the provincial governor, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo, launched the provincial competition at the Kayanza High School center, where 180 candidates from various schools were expected.

In Muramvya province (west-central Burundi) where there are 38 examination centers and 3,132 expected laureates with 143 supervisors, that 9th grade national competition had been housed in recognized and secure locations since the eve of its holding. It started before 8:30 a.m. in the three centers of the provincial capital Muramvya where the ABP was able to pass.

At the examination center of the Muramvya High School, which housed 141 laureates from the Muramvya High School, the Muramvya III ECOFOs, ELAM and Étoiles des Temps modernes, that national exam started at 8:10 a.m., after a roll call and seating of the candidates. At that center, no absence was reported, but one withdrawal was noted.

At the examination center at ECOFO Muramvya II, the tests for the first day started at 7:45 a.m. Out of the 111 candidates from the ECOFOs Muramvya II, Kabonobono and Hope School, 2 cases of withdrawal were recorded.

As for the examination center of the Masango Municipal High School, 55 candidates were present out of the 60 expected from the ECOFOs Masango and Karubabi Harvest School. Three cases of withdrawals recorded are from the ECOFO Masango, while two others were reported at the Karubabi Harvest School, a check on the site by ABP has disclosed.

Regarding the cases of absences or withdrawals in the different communes, 27, 13 and 12 were reported respectively in the communes of Muramvya, Bukeye and Kiganda, while 2 cases of absences were recorded in the school district of Mbuye.

Note that the provincial and communal administrative authorities, as well as those of education, in that case the DPE Muramvya, have passed through the various examination centers to ensure supervision.