• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

China to work with the Arab states to make their ties a model for maintaining world peace and stability 


May 30, 2024
BEIJING, May 30th (ABP) – ” China will work with the Arab side as good partners to make our relations a model for maintaining world peace and stability “, highlighted Chinese President Xi Jinping in a keynote speech he delivered at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, held on Thursday, May 30, 2024 in Diaoyutai State Guest House, Beijing.
In the presence of the leaders of Arab countries and their delegations, Xi Jinping pointed out that in this turbulent world, peaceful relations come from mutual respect, and lasting security is built on fairness and justice. ” We will, together with the Arab side, respect the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, the independent choice of every nation and the reality formed in history, and strive together for solutions to hotspot issues that uphold fairness and justice and sustain peace and security “, he said.
Recalling that the friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples is deeply rooted in their friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road, in their joint struggles for national liberation, and in their win-win cooperation in promoting national development, President Xi further stressed that, as changes unseen in a century unfold rapidly across the world, both China and Arab states strive to accomplish their historical missions of national rejuvenation and faster national development.
He went on saying that China will work with the Arab side in the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning to make their relations a paradigm of harmonious coexistence between civilizations. In a world of growing diversity, more dialogue means less confrontation, and more inclusiveness means less estrangement, he underlined, pointing out that peace, truth, integrity and inclusiveness are the common pursuit of Chinese and Arab peoples.
President Xi specified in his keynote address that the Middle East is a land bestowed with broad prospects for development, adding, however, that the war is still raging on it. He recalled that since last October, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has escalated drastically, throwing the people into tremendous sufferings. ” War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever. Commitment to the two-State solution should not be wavered at will “, he expressed his wish.
View of the Arab leaders and guests at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum
China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. It supports Palestine’s full membership in the U.N., and supports a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference, President Xi pointed out.
The Chinese number one leader further expressed his compassion by promising that on top of the previous RMB100 million yuan of emergency humanitarian assistance, China will provide an additional RMB500 million yuan of assistance to help ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and support post-conflict reconstruction. ” We will donate $3 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in support of its emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza “, he added.
Referring to an Arab saying, ” Friends are the sunshine in life “, President Xi Jinping underscored that China will continue to work with its Arab friends to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, build together a better future, and make the road sunny toward a China-Arab community with a shared future.
Arab leaders who took the floor at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, acknowledged and appreciated China’s efforts to alleviating the sufferings of the people in Gaza, and commitment to supporting developing countries and the global community as well. ” We wish China prosperity and progress “, said  Egyptian President Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi.