• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Joint Efforts of China-Africa Youths Will Make Friendship Stronger and Cooperation More Brilliant, Believes Mr. Chen


May 26, 2024
ZHEJIANG, May 25th (ABP) – ” With the joint efforts of young Chinese and young Africans, our friendship will be stronger, and our future will be more brilliant “, Mr. Chen Jiangfeng, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, expressed his belief on Thursday, May 23, 2024, during the welcome ceremony of the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival, in Jinhua, a capital city of Zhejiang Province.
In fact, the choice of Zhejiang province as a hive of activities related to the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival was not made at random. Jinhua plays a key role in terms of exchanges and cooperation with Africa, revealed Mr. Chen, adding that Jinhua has established trade with African countries, and provided African economic operators with favorable environment.
In addition, Zhejiang province is home to the institute of African studies, the African Museum and the China-Africa Exchanges Museum at Zhejiang Normal University; Zhejiang Wu Opera Research Center which gives the opportunity to young Africans to showcase their cultural talents; Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction (ZGUC) which welcomes a considerable number of African students and those from other countries of the world, to name but a few.
Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Polytechnic and other universities have actively trained talents for African countries. The China-Africa Think Tank Forum, African Scholars’ Seminar and China-Africa economic, trade and cultural exchange activities held in Jinhua have added new connotations to China-Africa friendship and cooperation. The dedicated services of the Zhejiang medical team in Africa are trusted by the local people in Africa, highlighted Mr. Zhao Xiyuan, Minister-Councelor of the Department of African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
” We are ready to work with you, friends, to take this event as a new starting point towards cementing our traditional friendship, deepening solidarity and cooperation, and taking our bilateral relations to a new level in the new era in order to make new achievements “, Mr. Chen said, calling on China-Africa youths to make great contributions to the economic growth of both sides for achieving China-Africa modernization.
Mr. Zhao Xiyuan also disclosed that Zhejiang is one of the pioneers of China’s reform and opening up. Thus, trade volume between Zhejiang and Africa has exceeded $ 30 billion every year, and Chinese commodities of high quality and low price from Yiwu, have been introduced to thousands of African households, he said.
He further pointed out that a large number of connectivities, industrial parks, agricultural demonstration zones and other cooperation projects have been launched in Africa, constantly improving people’s well-being.
Last year, at the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, President Xi announced new measures such as the Initiative to support Africa’s Industrialization, the Plan to promote Africa’s Agricultural Modernization, and the China-Africa Personnel Training Cooperation Plan to firmly support Africa’s integration and modernization drive, he recalled.
Given that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in the century, Mr. Zhao stressed that China and Africa need to strengthen brotherly friendship, continue to work hard, and make new and greater contributions to world peace and development. ” The baton of China-Africa friendship has been handed to you, young people. I hope you will shoulder the responsibility and mission of the times, actively participate in China-Africa friendship and cooperation, and contribute to the building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future “, he told the Chinese and African youths.
View of the participants in the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival welcome ceremony in Zhejiang province
Ms. Yang Xiayun, Chinese youth representative and Vice-Director of Zhejiang Wu Opera Research Center, pointed out that over the years, Zhejiang Wu Opera Research Center has frequently showcased its performances in more than 50 countries in five continents. ” We have been to 13 African countries 16 times for cultural exchange performances, having a total of 39 performances and about 70,000 audiences, she revealed, promising that they will continue to promote China-Africa cultural exchanges and bring China’s excellent traditional Opera to more African countries other than Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and South Africa.
The African youth representative, Mr. Mbamby Keane Victoria, who is a member of the National Assembly of Angola, expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the 8th China-Africa Youth Festival, for the warm welcome reserved to all young Africans who took part in the event. He also expressed his sincere gratitude to President Xi Jinping for his firm leadership.
He took the opportunity to encourage other African leaders to play their role in strengthening China-Africa cooperation, especially in areas such as construction, technology, entrepreneurship, the fight against social inequalities, and others.
Note that on the sidelines of the flag presentation ceremony held between Mr. Chen Jiangfeng and a youth representative from Somalia, participants including Burundi began to pay visits to various places and institutions in Zhejiang, including Wu Opera Grand Theatre where young Chinese and young Africans delighted the audience with their memorable performances.
Young Chinese showcase their cultural talents