• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Signature of cooperation agreements between the government of Burundi and


May 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 8th (ABP) – The solemn signing of cooperation agreements between the government of Burundi represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Albert Shingiro and the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC), represented by the president of the commission Mr. Gilberto Dapiedad Verissimo, took place in the afternoon of May 6, 2024 in Bujumbura.

In his speech, Mr. Verissimo indicated that this signing of the headquarters agreement allowing Burundi to host regional water resources management centers and the headquarters agreement allowing it to host the ECCAS court of accounts, marks an important moment for Burundi within the framework of ECCAS. To this end, we decided to set up three institutions, namely the community parliaments, the court of accounts and the court of justice.

As for Minister Shingiro, the signing of cooperation agreements between Burundi and ECCAS which will serve as the legal framework for the functioning of ECCAS representation in Burundi, has just formalized what had already existed. He indicated that Burundi attaches great importance to the missions of ECCAS. He noted that Burundi reaffirms its determination to contribute to achieving the objectives of the institutional reform of the community. Central Africa is known for having a good climate and abundant natural resources, hence he pleaded to come together to protect the ecosystem while ensuring the needs of this future generation through rational management of water resources. and other natural resources that the region abounds in.

                                                                                                       Family photo of participants in the signing ceremonies of cooperation agreements

For the government of Burundi, Mr. Shingiro clarified that the values of water go beyond its economic value from a human rights perspective and encompass social, cultural and environmental dimensions. These dimensions require special attention when we think about public health, examining the deep relationship between water, nature and mother earth. It is from this philosophy that the government of Burundi contributes to global regional and continental governance, with a view to implementing the objective of the African Union to promote peace, security and stability on the African continent.

According to him, the good management of the regional water resources management center will also contribute to the African vision of water released as, an Africa where water resources are used and managed equitably and sustainably for the purposes of socio-economic development, for regional cooperation and environmental protection.

Mr. Shingiro further noted that at a time when the world is confronted with the effects of climate change, Burundi is committed to supporting the ECCAS commission in the implementation of these policies, making ECCAS a regional economic community of reference in terms of environmental protection and its implications.

To reduce poverty and economic growth in the community area, it is necessary to put in place integrated management of water resources which makes it possible to sustainably improve access to drinking water and sanitation. In addition, the development of water resources has economic effects while respecting the other functions of water, in particular environmental functions and guarding against possible harmful effects, he said.

Concerning the consultations to house the headquarters of the community court of accounts having actively participated in the process of community reform from its launch until its completion, Mr. Shingiro stressed that Burundi once again reaffirms a determination to do its best in the operationalization of this institution for a stable, prosperous, united, economically and politically united Central Africa.

Mr. Shingiro thanked the president of the ECCAS commission for his leadership and his staff for their dedication to work, reiterating the support and accompaniment of Burundi in accomplishing its mission. Wishing to work with his commission to operationalize the regional water resources management center for Central Africa and the community court of accounts in the interest of the Burundian people.