• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Prime Minister presented the government’s PTBA report for the first half of the year, fiscal year 2023-2024


Apr 26, 2024

BUJUMBURA, April 26th (ABP) – Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca presented, Wednesday, April 24, 2024, before the two chambers of parliament meeting in congress, at the Kigobe hemicycle, the government’s PTBA report for the first-time semester, fiscal year 2023-2024.

This report integrates the work plan and the annual budget and indicates, for each concrete action, the budget and the result to be achieved during a quarter.

The cross-sectional analysis of this report shows, according to the Prime Minister, that during the first half of the year, certain ministries displayed very high performance such as for example the Ministry of Justice which had 108% for programmatic implementation and 69% for budget execution, the Ministry of Education 129% for programmatic implementation and 79.9% for budget execution. He also mentioned the Ministry of Commerce which is at 96.2% for the realization and 32% for the execution of the budget and the Ministry of East African Community Affairs which has 97.4% for programmatic implementation and 96.2% for budgetary execution. The Ministry of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, for its part, has a satisfactory level of performance because it has an overall achievement rate of 85% against the budgetary consumption rate of 66.6%.

                                      View of Members of MPs and Senators

Other ministries display low performance, this is the case of the Ministry of Energy and Mines which has 64% for programmatic implementation and 43% for budgetary execution, the Ministry of Health has 43.3%. achievement and 96% for budget execution. The Ministry of National Defense 43.3% for programmatic implementation and 70% for budgetary execution, that in charge of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation 66% for implementation and 66.5% for budgetary execution, the ministry in charge of Infrastructure 53.4% for programmatic implementation and 62.8% for budgetary execution.

Aside from the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, which has an implementation rate of 690%, the overall programmatic implementation rate is 79.26% and 72.52 % of budget execution.

Given the challenges observed, the ministries were recommended to adopt a reporting format inspired by that of the PTBA found in the General State Budget, to finalize sectoral policies and strategic plans during the second half of the 2023-2024 budget year, accelerate the implementation of most investment activities which experienced delays during the first half, improve the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the action plan of the government, in order to minimize gaps in programmatic and financial achievements and so forth.