• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The collection of maize grains handicapped by insufficient employees, financial resources and pick bags


Apr 12, 2024

KAYANZA, April 9th (ABP) – Around 500 tonnes of dry maize grains worth more than 850,000,000 BIF is the unpaid quantity already collected by the National Agency for Strategic Stock Management and Food Security (ANAGESSA) in Muhanga commune, Kayanza province.

The administrator of that commune, Mr. Benoît Ndayizeye, indicates that ANAGESSA was able to pay for only 138 tonnes 958 kg, in three installments.

In an interview he gave to the ABP, that communal authority of Muhanga also deplores the insufficiency of pick bags intended to preserve the maize purchased and the insufficiency of ANAGESSA employees.

Mr. Ndayizeye took the opportunity to ask that agency to consider making available all the money necessary for the purchase of production, so that farmers have their money and others can sell their production.

He also suggests that ANAGESSA increase its purchasing agents and pick bags so that the purchased production is maintained within adequate standards.