• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the death of the late President Cyprien Ntaryamira


Apr 12, 2024

BUJUMBURA, April 9th (ABP) – Burundi commemorated on Saturday April 6 the 30th anniversary of the assassination of the late President Cyprien Ntaryamira, who died in 1994 in a plane crash at Kanombe Airport in Kigali, Rwanda.

In Bujumbura city, the ceremonies, attended by the President of the Republic, members of the diplomatic corps and other dignitaries of the country, began with a mass celebrated at the Regina Mundi Cathedral.

The Archbishop of Bujumbura, Mgr Gervais Banshimiyubusa, who presided over the Mass, insisted on the Christian faith of the late President Ntaryamira, called on Christians to be supporters of good as the late President wanted.

The ceremonies continued at the Martyrs of Democracy Place where wreaths were laid on the grave of the late president. The presidential couple was the first to lay the wreaths, followed by members of the diplomatic corps as well as the family of the late President Ntarayamira. The political parties, namely the CNDD-FDD and the political family of the late president,

Sahwanya-FRODEBU, also laid wreaths of flowers on the grave of the late Ntaryamira.

The audience subsequently followed the speech of the late President Ntaryamira which he delivered on February 5, 1994 during his inauguration. He was committed to restoring order in the country ravaged by an unprecedented crisis. His social project boiled down to reestablishing discipline in all sectors of national life, he wanted full respect for human rights.

Late President Cyprien Ntaryamira, returning from Arusha where he participated in peace talks, was assassinated with 2 of his close collaborators. Those are Mr. Bernard Ciza, then Minister of State for Development Planning and Reconstruction, and Mr. Cyriaque Simbizi, Minister of Communication and Government Spokesperson. Their families also paid tribute to them by placing wreaths of flowers on their graves.

The provincial governor laying a wreath of flowers

In Gitega province (central Burundi), the ceremonies, chaired by the provincial governor, Mr. Venant Manirambona, began with a Eucharistic celebration at the Saint Sacrement parish of Rukundo located in the urban center of Gitega.

Based on the Gospel according to Saint Mark, the circumstantial preacher recommended to all those who have a portion of power to lead the people in the path of promoting human dignity.

After the Mass, the people marched to the monument dedicated to national unity where the rest of the festivities took place. There was first the laying of wreaths successively by the provincial governor, the communal administrator of Gitega and representatives of political parties, such as the CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, APDR, CNL and the Sahwanya-FRODEBU party federation. Then, there was listening in full to the speech that the late President Ntaryamira gave during his inauguration.

The provincial governor has just laid a wreath of flowers

In essence, that speech called on the people to bury the hatchet to build cohesion between the three Burundian social components, namely the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. To achieve that, the late President Ntaryamira advocated the restoration of discipline in all sectors of national life, citing among others the army, education, the workplace and political parties. For him, it was a better strategy to restore social justice broken following the assassination of his predecessor and the procession of misfortunes that followed.

In Cibitoke province (north-west of Burundi), the day’s ceremonies, chaired by the provincial governor, began with an ecumenical prayer, followed by the laying of wreaths.

Alongside the administration, the women’s forum, and the youth forum, five political parties were represented, including the CNDD-FDD, FRODEBU, UPRONA, CNL and APDR.

The participants, who followed the speech given by the illustrious deceased during his inauguration, continue to appreciate his good advice.

In Bururi province (southwest of Burundi), the ceremonies marking that day, chaired by the provincial governor, Léonidas Bandenzamaso, began with a mass which was celebrated by the bishop of the Catholic diocese of Bururi, Mgr Salvator Niciteretse.

The governor of Kirundo (in glasses) accompanied by the administrator of the Kirundo commune is preparing to lay a wreath of flowers

After the mass, the festivities continued at the independence monument located in the capital of the province. The participants attentively followed the speech of President Cyprien Ntaryamira during his inauguration.

Governor Bandenzamaso asked the inhabitants of his province to respect each other in their ethnic, religious and political diversities. He urged the population, especially administrators, to always work for good cohabitation and strengthen social cohesion between communities.

Note that the political parties CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, Sahwanya-FRODEBU and the provincial administration laid wreaths.

In Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi), the festivities took place in the capital of the Bubanza commune.

Only four political parties laid wreaths at the monument of the late President Cyprien Ntaryamira, namely the CNDD-FDD, Sahwanya-FRODEBU, RANAC and APDR.

In his speech, the provincial governor, Mr. Cléophas Nizigiyimana, called on residents to remain good heirs of President Ntaryamira, by strengthening discipline in their respective sectors. He invited them to change their mentalities and to appropriate the vision of Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060, by working in complementarity for the development of their households and their homeland.

Note that the festivities began with a prayer at the Christ the King Cathedral of Bubanza where the priest asked Christians to always remain hopeful about the success of their various visions and projects because, he said, even Jesus conquered death. He also asked them to work for peace and love of neighbor.

In Kirundo province (northern Burundi), the ceremonies began with a mass celebrated at the parish of Kanyinya.

In his homily, the priest of that parish, Father Jean Baptiste Bigirimana, asked Catholics, especially civil servants, to follow the legacy of President Ntaryamira who wanted all workers and civil servants to be characterized by discipline with a view to ensure peace and, consequently, develop the country.

After the mass, the participants went to the independence monument where wreaths were laid respectively by representatives of the administration, justice and law enforcement, as well as the political parties, namely CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, FRODEBU, FNL and APDR.

Subsequently, we followed the speech of President Cyprien Ntaryamira during his inauguration in 1994.

Laying of a wreath by the governor of Mwaro (left)

Note that the ceremonies were enhanced by the Minister in charge of National Defense, Mr. Alain Tribert Mutabazi, and the governor of Kirundo, Police Colonel Victor Segasago.

In Mwaro province (central-west Burundi), the ceremonies began with a requiem mass at the Saint Léonidas parish of Mwaro.

In his preaching, the priest of that parish called everyone to be proud of who they are, to preach love, to work and to serve others to leave a good legacy in society.

The ceremonies continued with the laying of wreaths at the fiftieth anniversary monument, which was carried out by the provincial administration, all the administrators of the communes of Mwaro province and the political parties working in that province (CNDD-FDD, FRODEBU, UPRONA, CNL, APDR and UPD).

After listening to the late President Ntaryamira’s speech, the provincial governor, Col Gaspard Gasanzwe, invited everyone to advocate discipline in the workplace as President Ntaryamira wished. He added that discipline goes hand in hand with development.

In Rumonge province (southwest of Burundi), the festivities began with a mass in his memory celebrated at the Mother of the Assumption parish of Rumonge.

After the mass, the people, guided by the provincial governor, Mr. Léonard Niyonsaba, marched towards the monument of unity located in the headquarters of the Rumonge province where other ceremonies took place.

The provincial governor lays a wreath at the unity monument

The wreaths were laid by the administrative authorities, namely the provincial governor and the administrator of the Rumonge commune, followed by provincial representatives of approved political parties.

The ceremonies were closed by listening to the speech by President Ntaryamira during his inauguration and the speech of the governor of the Rumonge province, who called on his constituents to be marked by discipline in their daily lives as recommended by the late President Cyprien Ntaryamira.

In Bujumbura province (western Burundi), the people, communal and provincial authorities met in Kabezi commune to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the death of President Cyprien Ntaryamira, native of that province, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The ceremonies, which had a provincial character, began with a mass which was officiated by the priest of the Kabezi parish, Father Sylvère Ntasumbuyange, before continuing at the monument of the said president.

Wreaths were laid by the governor’s office, the Mugere commune and political parties such as CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, FRODEBU, APDR and CODEBU.

Participants listened to President Ntaryamira’s speech which he presented to Burundians on the day of his inauguration.

The provincial governor, Mr. Désiré Nsengiyumva, said that the late President Ntaryamira emphasized discipline because Burundi was in disorder. Discipline was lacking and anarchy reigned throughout the country, he said.

The Governor of Rutana delivering his speech

Based on the number of participants who were few in number at the said ceremonies, Governor Nsengiyumva said that discipline is no longer enforced, calling on people to adhere to the latter. He pointed out that the Burundians have the 2040-2060 vision before them, calling on everyone to take ownership of it and see their role to play and work hard to have something to put into their mouths and money to put in your pocket with the aim of realizing the vision of having a Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060.

In Kayanza province (northern Burundi), the ceremonies began with a mass celebrated at the Christ Roi parish in the provincial capital and continued with the laying of wreaths at the monument of the heroes of independence and democracy.

After listening to the speech given by the late President Ntaryamira through which he highlighted discipline and respect for human rights, the governor of Kayanza, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo, warned traders who want to enrich themselves on the back of the population by purchasing its production at low prices. He pointed out that those who are apprehended will pay the price. He also castigated the attitude of certain state civil servants who do not respect working hours, either by going to work after a certain time late or by returning before time. He thus invited communal administrators and heads of provincial services to serve as models in the implementation of that measure.

In Rutana province (southeast of Burundi), the ceremonies began with a requiem mass held at the Saint Joseph Cathedral and continued at the monument of unity erected in the capital of the said province, where wreaths of flowers were laid.

In his speech to the population, the provincial governor, Mr. Olivier Nibitanga, called on residents of the city center of Rutana and those responsible for institutions based on roads where gutters are clogged, to clean them, in the aim of protecting the Kigwati district of the city center against the rainwater which threatens it. He gave a time limit of one week to complete that work.

Mr. Nititanga also invited all residents of the city center to make the hygiene of their homes a priority. He finally called on the population of the provincial capital to put night lamps on the fences of their houses and to leave them on throughout the night in order to combat night thefts.