• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Strengthening transparency and mutual trust is necessary to achieve the 2040-2060 vision


Apr 3, 2024

BUJUMBURA April 1st (ABP) – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Ambassador Albert Shingiro, held on Thursday March 28 a meeting bringing together members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to Burundi and international organizations and within the framework of strengthening transparency and mutual trust.

Ambassador Shingiro indicated that that meeting aimed to present the general situation in the country and the region, as well as Burundi’s position on the global challenges and issues facing the world at the moment.

On the political-security level, he made it known that there resides, in the heart of every Burundian, a desire for freedom, a sine qua non condition for their integrity and existence. The values of democracy, justice, the rule of law, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, assembly and human rights are already anchored in the habits of Burundians, he said.

In terms of economic development, he declared that the government of Burundi is making progress in its fight against poverty, hence the birth of the vision of a Burundian country emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060. “Far from being a utopia, that vision is accompanied by objectives whose achievement is eminently possible thanks to the implementation of concrete and targeted actions as well as a change in mentalities as a condition for any development of the people,” he said. He underlines.

At the regional level, Burundi attaches great importance to integrative projects in priority areas of common interest such as energy, transport and infrastructure. The joint standard gauge railway project between Burundi, Tanzania and the DRC is also of capital importance for the country, he continued.

That path will serve as a bridge not only between the three countries, but also between the two Atlantic and Indian oceans. The construction of that railway will allow Burundi to identify the exploitation of nickel whose reserves are ranked among the top ten in the world.

Minister Shingiro also noted that the country has critical minerals such as lithium, cobalt, rare earths and 3T which should generate significant income for the country thanks in particular to the rail link with the port of Dar-Es- Salaam and the Congolese market.

Indeed, Burundi has opted for good governance, the condition of stability of state institutions and awareness of the population in the sense that driving democracy and freedom rest on the capacity of citizens to make serene and carefully considered choices, he added.

In addition, since 2021, the government of Burundi has started a fight against corruption, economic embezzlement and injustice. The results are satisfactory even if that fight, which is long-term, must continue with the same intensity and determination, announced Ambassador Shingiro.