• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic received in audience the Director General of the AfDB for the East Africa region


Mar 21, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 21st (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, received in audience Tuesday, March 19, Mrs. Nnenna Nwabufo, Managing Director of the African Development Bank (AfDB) for Africa.

In an interview granted to the press, the head of the office in charge of Information, Communication and Spokesperson of the President of the Republic, Mrs. Rosine Guilène Gatoni, said that this audience gave the head of the State and his host to return to the good relations which link Burundi and the ADB, specifying that these relations are manifested by the support for the projects which are financed by this bank in Burundi.

During the discussions, the Director General of the ADB informed the Head of State that she is in Burundi with a team of experts in the agricultural field for a mission to evaluate the implementation of the ADB strategy which covered the period from 2018 to 2023. This audience was also characterized by a dialogue with the President of the Republic to identify priority projects in order to take this into account for the new period which will extend until 2028.

The Director General of the AfDB warmly congratulated the Burundian Head of State because the evaluation showed the significant progress made by Burundi from a political, social and economic point of view.

Mrs. Nwabufo praised the leadership of the Burundian head of state who, she said, is alongside the population and closely follows the implementation of development projects.

Mrs. Gatoni indicated that during the discussions, the Director General of the ADB informed the Burundian Head of State of the priority projects which are envisaged, in particular those to further support Burundi towards the promotion of the agricultural sector in compact projects. agricultural, the development of the Rusizi plain and support for the agropole project which could help the strategic office for the development of Burundi and support Burundi in the exploitation of mineral wealth, particularly nickel.

The Burundian Head of State took the opportunity to thank the ADB for its support for the country’s development, making particular mention of the ADB’s support for the construction of the railway which will connect Burundi, Tanzania and the DRC and which will facilitate trade in the region. He did not fail to mention the support of the ADB which was put forward in the agricultural sector to boost the country’s economy in order to realize the vision “every mouth has something to eat and every pocket has money”.